5:55am: Joshua Luna (Acert93) is now the dad of little baby girl Ruth Patience


Artist formely known as Vysez
Well, it seems that our buddy Josh got a delivery from the Stork International Express recently. So, let us all welcome Little Ruth Patience Luna into a world full of technology and rendering wonders!

The little 8lbs. 5oz. girl is healthy, full of hair and is already asking his daddy to buy her a Nintendo Wii. Okay, the last claim is false... for now. The mother and father are also doing well, althought in need of some much deserved rest I'm sure.

So, it's congratulation time, folks! Go ahead and write a nice (forum) postcard with your best (virtual) pen!
Hey, great news Joshua! Hope you're doing good, dad always gets overlooked at pop-out time! Congrats to you and the missus, Ruth will be gaming in no time no doubt :LOL:
Great news Josh! Hope you're all doing well!

Hope to follow you in about three months. :) Was this your first? (I remember you asked me if mine would be my first, so I assumed you already had one or two children)
Thanks everyone!

I haven't had much time to post lately for obvious reasons, and now I will even have less :p

This is our third child... but by far the most interesting birth. My wife went into labor at 4:30am and called me at work. I got home around 5:15am and cleaned up. At about 5:40ish my wife indicated the baby was coming "very soon" and told me to throw some chucks pads down on the couch (we were having this baby at home, like our first two). Problem: the midwife was still a good half an hour away :oops: At 5:50 my wife, who was quite calm and stoic, indicated she was going to start pushing :runaway: On the second push the head was out and on the third little Ruth was born at 5:55. 1 hour and 25 minute labor. Our second was fast at 3 hours, but this is... just wow. Now this being our third at home we kind of knew the routine and I am blessed that in "another life" I did a rotation in OB and got to help deliver babies... but this wasn't what we were planning! At home with a midwife: Yes. At home, alone on the spot? Not quite!

The good news is spontaneous birth is almost always a good sign of health and are safe (people tend to freak out when they hear about people delivering in the car or whatnot... when really that is a lot better in most cases (lest something crazy like breech or prolapse) than sitting in a delivery room, stalled, and in a lot of pain).

All in all a great experience. Healthy wife and baby and that is the important thing. We got both as well as a unique story to share. :LOL:

@ Stefan: diapers... our middle child is still in them. My wife loves cloth diapers and tends to do most of the changing as I have the unique ability to pierce both the child and myself with those "safety" pins. Disposables, which we only use the first couple weeks of the newborn (they are expensive, a waste of resources, and consume a considerable amount of volume in landfills... I am surprised this hasn't been taken up as a politcal cause by the liberal environmentalists, but we know why, so I will digress!) so I will get some work in there. Besides the meconium (which comes off nicely with a little prevanative use of olive oil) disposables are very easy to change. Now if you said I had to change 10 cloth diapers a day ... :(

@ Jawed: First words... based on the other two we will have a year before that happens :D Although she did make a sound identical to dad this mourning!! Our first two were odd because one couldn't say dad for a long time and the other couldn't say mom for many, many months after he said dad.

Thanks for all the well wishes!

And now for some much needed sleeeeep.
No, you're not thinking next-gen!, think of the time lag. Things like radiosity, tessellation, teraflops...


Forget first word, knowing Joshua's love for lengthy posts, she'll skip that and move right onto first sentence :D
No, you're not thinking next-gen!, think of the time lag. Things like radiosity, tessellation, teraflops...


Hahaha you guys are too funny. I do know what the first word won't be: her brothers' names! The oldest gave himself and his brother the nicknames "Shosha" and "Hihu" for Yehoshua and Eliyahu, respectively. Eliyahu calls his brother, "Wewah".

So her first word may end up being B'reshit or Barukh 'ata :LOL:

At least my killer wife chef babe (recipe on her site) made her a nice 0 bday cake for Ruth (ahead of time, of course):


Yes, I eat very very well.