20 minute Lost Planet multiplayer video


Got my 360 hooked back up to my capture card and decided to put up a video. Its me going at it against two other guys (really early in the morning, couldnt find any people to join!). One guy leaves fairly early but thankfully the other dude stays. I always liked small games anyway as opposed to large ones. The atmosphere in the game is great this way.

Anyway be prepared, its got mechs, explosions, gatling guns, missile launchers, etc. If you are on the fence about this game watch the video, It'll convert you :)

212MB, x264 (sloppy encoding on my part, the quality suffers a bit) 640x360 resolution.

Please note: Its hard as hell to play in a capture preview pane so bear that in mind when viewing. I could hardly see my crosshair :)

Download - http://dot50cal.the-horror.com/gaf/Lost Planet 20 min Multiplayer.mp4

Plays in quicktime if you dont have a proper x264 decompressor!
Nice one Dot50Cal - you pretty much completely owned the n00bs. I can see that not only did you have a better understanding of the gameplay mechanics, but you were devious and sneaky too.

I especially liked you hitting the guy behind objects with the homing laser, grenading him when he was out of sight using the radar stations, and the bit at the end where you hid behind a snow bank waiting for him to get into the almost-dead heavy armour suit before you popped up and hit him with the gatling gun you took off the suit earlier.
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That's some sweet gameplay.

You were totally destroying those guys.

Pretty good graphics too...hope capcom releases on PS3 too later. :)

I've only played the game myself for just a little bit, so I dont have a full grasp of how things work or where items are but I got a pretty good idea. I was in their position not too long ago, getting my ass handed to me ;)

The game has a bit of a learning curve but once you realize the radar stations (when activated) show enemy positions its a breeze. Plus the atmosphere smaller games afford (being able to be devious and sneaky) are really what interest me, not running and gunning while 900 guys duke it out around me :p I was hoping for at least 4 or 6 people though, thats around the sweet spot for that map size (imo). Though I've been in full 8 vs 8 team games, its been my experience that your team is either vastly superior or horribly inept when it comes to actually winning the game. So I tend to stick to more Deathmatch games, offering advice to people on how to play the game.

That said I feel kinda bad for the guy, Hopefully this doesnt turn him off on the game. He did get a few good shots in though :)

Maybe this video will get some more people here playing and you guys can be in the next vid pwning me :D

lol sh*t dood, don't you worry about bandwidth?!

Nah, I got quite a bit and the PSN videos barely put a dent in my bandwidth ;) Hopefully I can provide more of these types of videos. Probably get more demand when I get the long awaited HD capture equipment!

The problem with 1v1 is that if you are better it gets really boring.

The game has such a sandbox type feel for me still that I havent encountered that yet :)
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downloaded the multiplayer demo before i left town last week, havent had a chance to play yet, will this weekend for sure, downloading your movie now, but unfortunately, i am on crappy hotel "broadband" and it looks like they are throttling my connection as well, only getting a steady 30KB/sec......which means i might get to watch it in a couple hours, which being 12:30 am now here, means i might get to hit replay when i wake up :LOL:


think i just found my next game :) thanks alot for the preview, will be playing for sure very soon
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Had a fantastic 8 vs 8 team match tonight. All hope looks lost throughout 75% of the match and then a Japanese dude named Mikugasukidesuo and I turn things around :) It was a really awesome turn around and I did not expect at all. We were losing 4000 to 14000! Totally insane that we won!

You can see how hectic large scale matches like this get, there really isnt much room for people to shine and I thought I was doing pretty bad throughout the whole match. Imagine my surprise when I was in 2nd place at the end XD.

13 Minutes, 284MB (upped the bitrate so quality is really nice) 640x360, x264 (vlc media player)

http://dot50cal.the-horror.com/gaf/Lost Planet 8 vs 8.mp4
As usual: Awesome video, Dot50Cal.

The Multiplayer in LP looks pretty fun. Plus it seems you're quite the player (first video was pretty funny).
Ty :) Id say Im average, theres lots of players that are better than me and more geared towards console type FPS's :)