1UP Podcast : Major Xbox 360 exclusives to head over to PS3 ...


Umsetzungen wichtiger Xbox 360-Spiele für PS3 in Vorbereitung

24.03.07 - In den nächsten Wochen und Monaten sollen einige Xbox 360-Spiele auch für die PS3 angekündigt werden. Das sagte Shane Bettenhausen von der EGM im Podcast 1UP Yours; sein Kommentar ist ab Laufzeit 63:22 zu hören.

Bei diesen Spielen soll es sich um Titel handeln, von denen man bisher dachte, sie seien Xbox 360-exklusiv. Bettenhausen nannte keine Namen, er bezeichnete die Spiele aber als wichtige Xbox 360-Spiele.
Google translation;
In the next weeks and months some Xbox 360-Spiele are to be announced also for the PS3. That said Shane bed living of the EGM in the Podcast 1UP Yours; its comment is to be heard starting from running time 63:22. With these plays it is to concern titles, from which one thought so far, it is Xbox 360-exklusiv. Bed-live called no names, it designated the plays however as important Xbox 360-Spiele.
[ http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3149993 ]

Crackdown ?.. Maybe Viva Piñata ... Its speculation time :p ...
Google translation;
[ http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3149993 ]

Crackdown ?.. Maybe Viva Piñata ... Its speculation time :p ...

VP is a 1st party game made by RARE, 0% chance it'll come to PS3. I think Crackdown is sorta 2nd partyish ala Resistance. The only Xbox exclusive franchise I can think of that will most likely go to the PS3 is KOTOR. Dead Rising 2 and Lost Planet 2 probably will go too as well but they aren't traditionaly Xbox only IPs, it just happens that they are on the 360 first because it launched first.
Well, at this point it's pretty much expected that third party exclusives all around, except for a few here and there, are going to be a thing of the past...

Crackdown and VP are both first/second party games (MS published)... so there isn't really a chance they'll come. It's stuff like Lost Planet and Dead Rising that they'd be talking about.
Well I wish it could be Alan Wake, Pitty it is published by Microsoft.

I'd say Lost planet DR etc as said is all dead cert anyway, Bio Shock would be cool though.
It's funny how Luke has mentioned for the second time now on the 1up show that Heavenly Sword might not be a PS3 exclusive because it doesn't actually say it on NT's website.
No need to blow this out of proportion. Listen to the pod cast and it's a few games that shane *thinks* will be on ps3. mainly splinter cell 5 is one he thinks will be on ps3. big suprise of course it will eventually. He mentions it in the podcast.
It's funny how Luke has mentioned for the second time now on the 1up show that Heavenly Sword might not be a PS3 exclusive because it doesn't actually say it on NT's website.

I thought NT didn't have any 360 final devkits? One can dream! :devilish:
What major exclusives does the Xbox 360 currently have? Most of the good games have been developed and published by third party developers like Capcom, Ubi Soft and Activision. The only big up and coming Xbox 360 game that is third party and not published by Microsoft I can think of is Bioshock, which has been rumored to be coming to the PlayStation 3 for a while now. What games could they be referring to?
What major exclusives does the Xbox 360 currently have? Most of the good games have been developed and published by third party developers like Capcom, Ubi Soft and Activision. The only big up and coming Xbox 360 game that is third party and not published by Microsoft I can think of is Bioshock, which has been rumored to be coming to the PlayStation 3 for a while now. What games could they be referring to?

Well there are the DOA games. Those games could technically be easily done on PS3 and are fully 3rd party.

I'm leaning more toward it being the Capcom games though. It seems like easy money since the Framework engine should make bringing them over to PS3 basically free money.

Of course there is Gears.... In the same pod cast they talk about how EPIC is not happy with MS over some disagreement about DLX content.
I think it goes without saying that the most likely candidates are the usual 3rd party suspects. 1st and 2nd party titles aren't going anywhere on either console.
What games could they be referring to?
Maybe some Japanese stuff, maybe Kyle & Lynch, maybe Splinter Cell Conviction, maybe some other games. Though I think most 3rd party exclusives for 360 are actually timed exclusives, I still have hard times believing Shane Battenhausen from 1up, for example he said RE5 for 360 was cancelled or DMC4 would never come to X360, so he's probably just betting on it.
Of course there is Gears.... In the same pod cast they talk about how EPIC is not happy with MS over some disagreement about DLX content.
They might be unhappy, but what other publisher would give such good marketing campaign and MS probably habe priority to push Gears.
More fuel for the fire.

Project Gotham Racing 3 is the rumored game. Remember the Xbox 360 screen that showed up mysteriously on a PSP based site (later taken down). Someone (supposed insider) suggested that Bizarre Creations was designing something for the PS3. And that the Xbox 360 screen was to spoof fans. It’s pretty funny when you think about it… Bizarre Creations never had anything to say about the supposed PSP site blunder.

I think the possibility of this happening (PGR to PS3) is very, very, very slim…however Bizarre Creations may have something in the works.

Edit: I found something about Bizarre Creations on multiplatform games

GSUK: Do you have any plans to develop for the PlayStation 3 or Wii?

GW: Bizarre is an independent developer, so we'll always produce games for all sorts of hardware. We're currently working on a game called The Club for Sega that will be a multiformat release.
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Yeah, I also vote for the Capcom titles to possibly get PS3 bound.

"could be" is the least way I can summarize my thoughts about this :LOL:
predicting capcom titles going multiplatform is kinda pridicting the obvious ;) .
I think dead rising and lost planet are exclusive because PS3 was not even launched.
Project Gotham Racing 3 is the rumored game. Remember the Xbox 360 screen that showed up mysteriously on a PSP based site (later taken down). Someone (supposed insider) suggested that Bizarre Creations was designing something for the PS3. And that the Xbox 360 screen was to spoof fans. It?s pretty funny when you think about it? Bizarre Creations never had anything to say about the supposed PSP site blunder.

I think the possibility of this happening (PGR to PS3) is very, very, very slim?however Bizarre Creations may have something in the works.

Edit: I found something about Bizarre Creations on multiplatform games

if u check out the new Gamepro they cover this game developed by BC but published by Sega...,..... its an Action game Shooter

this is what u might be refering to.
Nerve Damage said:
Project Gotham Racing 3 is the rumored game. Remember the Xbox 360 screen that showed up mysteriously on a PSP based site (later taken down).

You're reading WAAAAAY too much into what was simply a snafu by a fill-in artist.
Some people should be shot. Seriously, what is so hard to not understand about the obvious? Clearly most Capcom or third party games are going to be going multiplatform. Its an absolute given that most of them will. It makes all the sense in the world. If you're a third party why would you stay on a single platform? You wouldn't. If this is news then I must seriously call into question the thought process of everyone involved in it.