
  1. M

    Gamasutra Phil Spencer Xbox Q&A [2017-04-12]

    http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/295830/QA_With_Scorpio_rising_Phil_Spencer_looks_to_the_future_of_Xbox.php A really long interview with a lot of info about current philosophy of Xbox division/Scorpio. Seemed like enough info to warrant a new thread.
  2. I

    Microsoft acquires Simplygon

    Only partially AR/VR related but important development given that similarly to Havok which they acquired last year, Simplygon has a fuck-ton of clients (essentially every-single AA/AAA game developer in the world..)..will be interesting to see how things turn out...
  3. B

    Should SONY make PSVR available/work on PC?

    Would it make sens, business wise, for SONY to make the PSVR work on PC? It seems PSVR is selling much better than the competition, with an estimated 2,5 mil units by yearend. If PSVR would work on PC we can be sure that number would only grow, but would it be advantageous for SONY? to mods -...
  4. Z

    PSVR questionable without PS4K?

    Reading a lot of posts here I get the impression some people don't understand the chief reason for the ps4k upgrade, as in its there aiding the PSVR (ala the normal ps4 doesnt have enuf grunt to run VR well enuf, see the rift,vives min specs). I was gonna post a few weeks ago about this but...
  5. D

    Sony VR Headset/Project Morpheus/PlayStation VR

    edit: http://scei.co.jp/corporate/release/140319_e.html LCD 5 inches 1920×RGB×1080 (960×RGB×1080 per eye) 90 degrees FOV HDMI + USB 3D audio, Social Screen