
  1. P

    Comics, manga, & graphic novel deals / bundles

    We've had comic book threads and we have an active anime thread, so some of you may be interested in digital comics bargains. Humble has pretty good comics / manga / graphic novel bundles once in a while. They've got two of them going right now (and a great Jonathan Hickman one that just...
  2. Shortbread

    November 23-26, 2018: Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

    Well it's that time again, let's start posting upcoming console hardware/software deals. Maybe TV/LCD and PC gaming deals as well? Per Mercenary09, at ResetEra. So Target's Black Friday ad just went up and confirms that the 1TB Spider-Man PS4 Slim Bundle will be there for $199. It is listed as...
  3. BRiT

    Console Good Game Deals [2017-2021]

    Surprisingly I couldn't find any recent threads in the console area related to good game deals. I thought I'd start this off posting some Black Friday deals for Digital Games Newegg has several deals on Digital Games for Xbox Play Anywhere titles (Xbox and Windows 10): CupHead for $15 with...