
  1. D

    Diligent Engine - A Modern Cross-Platform Graphics Library

    Hello! I would like to introduce Diligent Engine, a light-weight cross-platform graphics library that was designed to take advantages of the next-generation APIs such as Direct3D12 and Vulkan, but at the same time provide support for older platforms via Direct3D11, OpenGL and OpenGLES. Diligent...
  2. N

    BRE Engine Architecture

    Hi, community. BRE is a rendering framework or engine (under development) which purpose is to have a codebase on which develop techniques related to computer graphics and also to apply the stuff I learn about DirectX 12. I just write a series of articles about its architecture, problems...
  3. P

    Combining multiple vertex buffers in D3D12

    Suppose I have some vertex position data, where several vertices have the exact same (x,y) coordinates, but in general have different z coordinates. It would then be natural to decompose the vertex storage by indexing into two vertex buffers: one for the (x,y) coordinates, and one for the z...