
  1. homerdog

    ASUS Warranty Service

    I feel vindicated. About 10 years ago ASUS fucked me on a super expensive (for the time) Z77 motherboard RMA. The socket was damaged and they simply said "we don't ship damaged sockets" and refused to discuss it any further. Haven't bought an ASUS product since then.
  2. S

    Can't Download Drviers from ASUS

    Hi, thought I'd try here as the ROG forum registration process seems to take an age. I'm having problems downloading drivers for my new Crosshair VI Hero motherboard from the ASUS site. As soon as I select an OS from "Drivers and Utilities" the page doesn't load. I've also tried other...
  3. R

    Buying a gaming laptop MSI vs Asus GTX1060 vs GTX1070

    My PC is almost 8-9 years old now and its time to get a new PC for gaming(Forza I am coming) as well as 3d gfx/video/VR work. I have a family(read a 3 year old daughter) now so I cannot sit at one place and work and have decided to go for a laptop this time, my first ever. I am noob as far as...