Recent content by Zogrim

  1. Z

    Nvidia Hairworks - Taking hair to a new level!

    HairWorks is running through DirectCompute. It was stated several times in the original article.
  2. Z

    Water! PhysX Position Based Dynamics

    One GPU for both rendering and physics simulation.
  3. Z

    NVIDIA Kepler speculation thread

    CarstenS It is hard to parallelize rigid bodies for themselves, yes. Here is some papers (NVIDIA). (AMD). And all of those are ineffective for small amount of rigid...
  4. Z

    NVIDIA Kepler speculation thread

    Actually, SDK 2.x supports asynchronous stepping. It was "not designed for native parallelism", as docs honestly say, but supports minor threading inside single physics scene, and can run set of sub-scenes (called compartments) in parallel. As for GPU acceleration of CPU PhysX games -...