Recent content by Oogst

  1. O

    Interior Mapping demo

    Thanks for the explanation! That sounds pretty heavy actually, although in an entire shader it is relatively little. This does make your implementation theoretically faster, though. :)
  2. O

    Radiohead in 3D

    Hmm, very interesting that they used this kind of data for a videoclip! The principal problem of working with this kind of data is that you need something to turn the point cloud into a polygonal mesh surface. Just picking the closest points and making triangles with those, will not...
  3. O

    Interior Mapping demo

    Ah, okay, I see that I really have to dig into shader model 3 and 4. I never went beyond shader model 2... :oops: Does anyone have a link to a serious performance comparison between these two? I always read "it's slower" on these kinds of things, but no one ever seems to have numbers, like...
  4. O

    Interior Mapping demo

    What do you mean with "the gradient version"? Is that some situation in which dynamic branching has a certain performance?
  5. O

    Interior Mapping demo

    That is true, but that could also be achieved by using an if-statement and only looking up in the right texture, because the values from the other three textures are ignored anyway. I never got around to trying how much performance would actually be gained by that, though, but I guess you are...
  6. O

    Interior Mapping demo

    That his technique would be better was actually my own conclusion when I did not yet understand how this technique works. :)
  7. O

    Interior Mapping demo

    Ah, okay, that is clear, but doesn't that make your technique hardly any more efficient than my version? What is the benefit of using a cubemap in this case?
  8. O

    Why does my post keep disappearing?

    Ah, okay, thanks for the explanation!
  9. O

    Why does my post keep disappearing?

    I am trying to post a message in this topic: After doing so, I see the message. When I then go back to the main forum and then re-enter the thread, my message is gone again. If I try to re-post then, I get a "duplicate post" error. I really...
  10. O

    Interior Mapping demo

    Ah, that is a pretty interesting variation to my original Interior Mapping technique! It is cool to see other people experimenting with other approaches! I cannot run your demo, though: I have an Nvidia DX10 card. It is a pitty that your technique requires DX10.1: this makes it much less...