Recent content by hunter3738

  1. H

    hlsl flowcontrol & texture lookups

    ok, 3D texture rendering seems to be a dead end, there's no 'getsurfacelevel' method in the volumetexture class. I don't think the 'virtual' texture array is an option either since i need to be able to both read and write from the same texture. The code is now 300% faster than the cpu equivalent...
  2. H

    hlsl flowcontrol & texture lookups

    Supercow, i didn't think it was possible to read from the same texture as the one i'm rendering on (i already got some bsods trying to do just that), but i'll give it another try and let you know how it goes...
  3. H

    hlsl flowcontrol & texture lookups

    I found it, some parameters were swapped (!) at every iteration of the for loop. I changed the code to calculate the coordinates at the beginning of the loop and it finally works now (yay). I'll look into the 3D texture rendering now, i'm sure it'll be way more efficient (if i can get it to...
  4. H

    hlsl flowcontrol & texture lookups

    Thanks for all the replies! I'll try to provide some more information and answer some questions: - srcreadtime1 is an integer that determines which texture should be sampled, since it's a variable i have to use the if structures to get to the sampler[]. - if i use tex2D all works well but...
  5. H

    hlsl flowcontrol & texture lookups

    Hi I'm using hlsl with dx9 and ps3.0 and have a problem with my pixelshader when i turn on flow control: the tex2Dlod function doesn't return correct values. The code looks something like this: float4 pedata = tex2D(texPeDataSampler, float2(colpos, rowpos)); for (int i = 0; i < pedata[3]...