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    • H
      hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
      I guess it depends on whether the game has a use for more keys, and whether the faster input by having dedicated keys is beneficial...
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      Does this game have proper mouse support out of the box, or is there still some X/Y sensitivity weirdness? IIRC I think that's why I...
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      Re: fallout Really really not a fan of modern TV formula where you have a season long mystery that gets wrapped up in a 20 minute...
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      I would liken my introduction to KCD with the first time I played Deus Ex. They both asked a lot of me in terms of setting aside my...
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      From an IGN article: "Kingdom Come: Deliverance II will once again utilize the CryEngine, which studio spokesperson Tobias...
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      hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
      And you can do that because it's a PC game with a command line prompt that exposes the entirety of the game's back-end functionality...
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      hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
      Games with dedicated server releases aren't immune from losing functionality; the master server that handles authentication and server...
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      hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
      Definitely no argument that Ubisoft should have delisted The Crew at least a year before shutting services down. Beyond that though...
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      hughJ replied to the thread Gaming and gaming hardware trends.
      Why stop at 10-20x RT. Even if there were infinite RT prowess such that Spiderman/GoW/AC:Whatever looked like they were rendered in...
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      hughJ replied to the thread Gaming and gaming hardware trends.
      Trying to tease out any nuance from a single "video game hardware sales" bar chart seems dubious and likely to lead to misleading...
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      hughJ replied to the thread Gaming and gaming hardware trends.
      Back in the late 90s and early 00s they also had the SOE umbrella with Everquest, SWG, Planetside, etc. Sony's kind of always had its...
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      hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
      IIRC that's the rumored(cited?) reason the Forza games get delisted after 4 years. Forza Horizon 1/2 also had their online services...
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      hughJ replied to the thread Civilization VI.
      Kind of playing together. My memories of playing Civ3 and 4 with the girlfriend involved a lot of cries for help when she was being...
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      hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
      Might be used for later projects, and might contain stuff they've licensed and can't release. Of course this also raises the question...
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      hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
      That's pretty much what you're signing up for when you buy a console game-as-a-service from one of the big publishers these days. These...
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