hughJ's latest activity

  • H
    hughJ replied to the thread NVIDIA discussion [2024].
    The premise of the Terminator hinged on an AI sending technology back in time which rapidly seeded the tech advancements that gave rise...
  • H
    hughJ replied to the thread NVIDIA discussion [2024].
    For it not to be a bubble there needs to be a return on the investment. Nvidia is certainly seeing a return, but so are the folks who...
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    hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
    I'd think anyone not wanting to migrate to PC is because their console delivers better value and they don't care all that much about the...
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    hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
    The default Steam controller desktop mode uses left-stick-click to bring up the Steam onscreen keyboard, and the right stick controls...
  • H
    IMO the game checks all the boxes for why it wouldn't be suitable for VR (on any system really). Everything from performance to...
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    hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
    Maybe some combination of the Steam controller service and whatever controller profile it's using has the analog stick deadzone too...
  • H
    hughJ replied to the thread NVIDIA discussion [2024].
    Has it been established that training on copyrighted material is against copyright? I don't think OpenAI denies having used NYTimes'...
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    hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
    I recall Newell stating that the initial push for him to start Valve came from how popular Doom was. Something to the effect that Doom...
  • H
    hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
    Myst was published by Broderbund who published a bunch of popular PC games during the 80s and early 90s, Mattel just bought them later...
  • H
    There's way too much impoliteness and rudery in this thread. Discuss the posts and points, and not the posters. If you disagree, express...
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    hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
    Stingy or they just prefer to play PC games on PC. If the console game doesn't map to mouse/keyboard incredibly well then a subset of...
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    hughJ replied to the thread Steam.
    Just to provide a counter example, virtually all of my few hundred Steam friends are people I met via IRC during that pre-Steam 96-2002...
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    I believe it's part of how UWP apps are sandboxed. So not every game or app is going to behave like that. In the event that you...
  • H
    I'm generally satisfied with the MS store as a service and UI. Half the time I go there is because I'm being directly linked to the app...
  • H
    I think any problem I've ever had with GamePass is a problem I've never had with Steam. I'm sure there'll come a day when MS ask...