The sf&f movie "guilty pleasure" list


Mostly Harmless
As a companion to "Worst" in the other thread, and adding fantasy films. These would be the ones that by all that is holy you really ought not to like it. It's shlocky. The production values are to throw up over. It's campy without meaning to be. Whatever. But for some reason, you like it anyway, even if you'll only admit it when alcohol is involved or if someone else is sharing dark secrets as well.

The Raven
Miracle Mile
Split Second:

That's a start. . .
Retro-active ( ) - actually quite a good low budget SF film.

Death Machine ( ) - lots of SF references and Brad Douriff doing his trademark psychopathic character schtick. Solid cheesy fun.

Appleseed ( ) - so very very pretty, so very very stupid.

Independance Day ( ) - flashy, brash and stupid. But eminently watchable, if only for seeing the White House blowing up in fine style. That and an entire alien civilisation being brought to its knees by having an apple mac connected to their wireless network...

Alien Cargo ( ) - a little shakey in the acting stakes and the effects are budget CGI stuff but this has a nice solid plot underlying it with a better ending than many films. I'd love a DVD release of this.

Invader ( ) - bad acting and some dodgy editing choices marr what is otherwise a clever little film.

Nemesis ( ) - one of the few films to get the cyberpunk feel right and has some excellent set piece fights in it. Spawned some awful sequels sadly.

Radioactive Dreams ( ) - another Albert Pyun film that shouldn't work at all but is strangely fun. A post nuclear apocalypse musical in which two fifties style private eyes emerge into the wasteland world and begin to set things aright while dodging the powers that be. Great music and dance sequences interspersed with black humour & gunfights.

I'll second Split Second, it is an incoherent film that is a pastiche of serial killer films, Alien and police procedurals but it is just goofy fun with some great one liners.
Buckaroo Banzai
They Live!
Last Starfighter
oh, D.A.R.Y.L
Night of the Comet
Beastmaster baby!

Oh, TV counts right? V and Greatest American Hero.

Robocop! (and Vindicator! its cheap ripoff)

Knight Rider and Airwolf if they were movies.

The Omega Man
Demon Seed

Dreamscape and Brainstorm

oh, and I'll toss in Electric Dreams, Lawnmower Man, and Exo-Man.
I'm somewhat annoyed that I'm not the first to mention Lawnmower Man in this thread...

I guess some people would mention Tron here, but that would be a crime IMO. Tron is a great movie, a fantastic piece of art. It's of the same eternal league as movies such as Forbidden Planet and The Day The Earth Stood Still.

The Last Starfighter is also a good movie IMO, and I am not ashamed at all to like it. It's of the exact same type of great youth movie of the '80s such as Wargames and Back To The Future...

Beastmaster... HMM. Well, maybe not so much, but it's still cool enough I guess. Especially if one enjoys looking at loinclothed musclemen. :D
How about Conan? It is one of my favourite movies from back then although it's essentially rubbish.

Or would that be one of the worst....

My wife also loves The Never Ending Story, though I find it pretty crappy. (I think it was because she watched it as a child, and I was a teenager when I first saw it)
Krull was ace.

What's quite freaky here is that in this thread there are two films in which Bernard Bresslaw acted. What next, Carry On films? :smile:
It is about twenty years or more since I saw this film, so maybe it does not qualify as a science fiction film [ if e.g. it was a toxic chemical that got the frogs mad, I suppose it would but I can't remember a lot about this film ] but it really was a hoot, because I think somebody had an idea of making a film about frogs attacking people and were about halfway through making the film when they they seemed to have realized, like what could frogs do to people, not a lot probably! and they had everything but the kitchen sink attacking people but not frogs and there was one scene with the frogs supposedly being aggressive and they had people out of sight of the camera throwing the frogs, ever seen a frog jump backwards, well I hadn't until I had seen this film.

Saludos Amigos