I believe all the big releases are out so it's time to see how things stacked up looking back. It's one to thing feel a certain way but another to reflect back and see it held up. Ofcourse it's not entirely possible for recent game but still....
Mass Effect 2:
8/10. Greatly improved over ME1 is most areas. I felt the story in ME1 was bit more tense. Planet mining minigame was a terrible addition. New Game+ needed to be balanced better.
10/10. Absolutely the king of combat for action games. Even the two vehicles levels, which are not very good, can't knock a point off this game. NO DLC! Everything was included in the main game. Lots to do and again, combat is unmatched
Splinter Cell: Conviction
6/10. The gameplay was great. Story was ok also. Most other things were not. The black n white effect ruined all presentation of the game. A short campaign. Online co-op was unstable. Frame rate issues also.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
8/10. A set piece based, basic single player. Very standard. MP made up for it though. Poor DLC support by Dice at peak popularity let the MP community die out. Patches introduced lag. General DICE MP issues. Repurchased due to upcoming DLC and Vietman expansion
Alan Wake
6/10. The game play was repetitive. No real scary moments. Lead character narration was a bit annoying. Great presentation of the enviornments. Loved the atmosphere.
Red Dead Redemption:
9/10. One of the best single player experinces I've had. It's all that GTA4 was hyped to be but wasn't. Loved the setting, characters, story, pacing and gameplay. The MP was terrible due to auto aim.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
8/10. Awesome reboot by Mercury Steam. Combat was very fun. Platforming to hidden areas was great. Story was up and down. Absolutely amazing graphics. Looks just beautiful and likely the best looking game I've seen this year. I'd give it a 10/10 just based on presentation alone if it wasn't for the poor framerate at times. Some of the puzzles are tedious.
Halo: Reach
9/10. Bungie went out with a bang. Playing through the campaign on Solo Legendary was an amazing experience. Really enjoy Firefight matchmaking also. The campaign could have had more "epic" moments. Always felt that you were always doing side missions before or after but never part of the main battle.
Fable 3
8/10. Fable 2 is still my game of this generation thus I was quite excited for 3. Technical issues leading to major slowdowns is unacceptable. Glitches, a step back in the impression system and a rushed ending added to disappointment. However, at all other times, Albion is still one of the best worlds ever created. Really wish this was given another year to be perfected.
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
9/10. Didn't think much of it going by previews. I was wrong. The best game is the series by far. Beautiful presenation. Exciting combat and platforming. The only knock is that the story progression was very light compared to 1 and 2
Kinect Adventures:
6/10. It's a decent gateway into Kinect but certainly not the strongest title. I really enjoy Reflex Ridge obstacle course. The rest don't do much for me.
Kinect Sports:
8/10. Very fun to play against the CPU, local player or on Xbox Live. Menu options need to be streamlined. CPU on champion difficulty is very cheap
Dance Central
8/10. Great game for anyone into dancing! Or like me, can't dance but still like to try in the privacy of my own house
All it needs is 2 players at once and it'll be perfect
9/10. Enjoyed everything about this game. I just wish it was a little longer. Still, worth every penny.
Monday Night Countdown.
8/10. Great mix of Dota with shooting. A very refreshing take on 2 popular game types. Needed to be balanced better and more maps (free DLC coming Dec 1st)
God of War 3:
8/10. Great presentation. Combat was basic but entertaining. Everyone but the lead character were interesting. Weird jumping controls led to most of my deaths.
Gran Turismo 5:
6/10. Gameplay is good so far. The rest of it, not so much. Inexcuseable performance. The game's performance is ideal when you've cleared off into the distance. Too many poor design decisions and uncomplete features. Thankfully, the core is solid and the rest can hopefully be overhauled for GT6.
Mass Effect 2:
8/10. Greatly improved over ME1 is most areas. I felt the story in ME1 was bit more tense. Planet mining minigame was a terrible addition. New Game+ needed to be balanced better.
10/10. Absolutely the king of combat for action games. Even the two vehicles levels, which are not very good, can't knock a point off this game. NO DLC! Everything was included in the main game. Lots to do and again, combat is unmatched
Splinter Cell: Conviction
6/10. The gameplay was great. Story was ok also. Most other things were not. The black n white effect ruined all presentation of the game. A short campaign. Online co-op was unstable. Frame rate issues also.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
8/10. A set piece based, basic single player. Very standard. MP made up for it though. Poor DLC support by Dice at peak popularity let the MP community die out. Patches introduced lag. General DICE MP issues. Repurchased due to upcoming DLC and Vietman expansion
Alan Wake
6/10. The game play was repetitive. No real scary moments. Lead character narration was a bit annoying. Great presentation of the enviornments. Loved the atmosphere.
Red Dead Redemption:
9/10. One of the best single player experinces I've had. It's all that GTA4 was hyped to be but wasn't. Loved the setting, characters, story, pacing and gameplay. The MP was terrible due to auto aim.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
8/10. Awesome reboot by Mercury Steam. Combat was very fun. Platforming to hidden areas was great. Story was up and down. Absolutely amazing graphics. Looks just beautiful and likely the best looking game I've seen this year. I'd give it a 10/10 just based on presentation alone if it wasn't for the poor framerate at times. Some of the puzzles are tedious.
Halo: Reach
9/10. Bungie went out with a bang. Playing through the campaign on Solo Legendary was an amazing experience. Really enjoy Firefight matchmaking also. The campaign could have had more "epic" moments. Always felt that you were always doing side missions before or after but never part of the main battle.
Fable 3
8/10. Fable 2 is still my game of this generation thus I was quite excited for 3. Technical issues leading to major slowdowns is unacceptable. Glitches, a step back in the impression system and a rushed ending added to disappointment. However, at all other times, Albion is still one of the best worlds ever created. Really wish this was given another year to be perfected.
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
9/10. Didn't think much of it going by previews. I was wrong. The best game is the series by far. Beautiful presenation. Exciting combat and platforming. The only knock is that the story progression was very light compared to 1 and 2
Kinect Adventures:
6/10. It's a decent gateway into Kinect but certainly not the strongest title. I really enjoy Reflex Ridge obstacle course. The rest don't do much for me.
Kinect Sports:
8/10. Very fun to play against the CPU, local player or on Xbox Live. Menu options need to be streamlined. CPU on champion difficulty is very cheap
Dance Central
8/10. Great game for anyone into dancing! Or like me, can't dance but still like to try in the privacy of my own house
9/10. Enjoyed everything about this game. I just wish it was a little longer. Still, worth every penny.
Monday Night Countdown.
8/10. Great mix of Dota with shooting. A very refreshing take on 2 popular game types. Needed to be balanced better and more maps (free DLC coming Dec 1st)
God of War 3:
8/10. Great presentation. Combat was basic but entertaining. Everyone but the lead character were interesting. Weird jumping controls led to most of my deaths.
Gran Turismo 5:
6/10. Gameplay is good so far. The rest of it, not so much. Inexcuseable performance. The game's performance is ideal when you've cleared off into the distance. Too many poor design decisions and uncomplete features. Thankfully, the core is solid and the rest can hopefully be overhauled for GT6.
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