Yakuza 3

Demo out on euro PS Store. They removed the Ageha hostess club, hope it will remain in the finished game (ugly Sakurai called you and wanted to sing karaoke at least...)
Bah, the Ageha Hostess club is one of the fun places in Y3.

I totally agree with you Sakurai is ugly and has a man's voice. I would not pick her in a real life KTV. She's a great Karaoke game partner nonetheless.

[size=-2]Sorry for missing your chat room messages, I was tied up at work. :oops:[/size]
I played through the demo and I did like it, but even in the demo I found the fight part starting to get tedious. I suspect that as it progresses there will just be more of it, am I right?

LOL'ed during the Karaoke and premise of the game, with Yakuza, Japan etc seem fun, its just the fighting thing I am not sure I would stand after 10 fights...

Any insights?
I thought you can learn new techniques by using your cellphone camera to record martial art moves ?

In the Japanese demo, I remember the agents were tougher than the street gangs.
How big is the demo? Would like to try it if it doesn't murder my DL limit.

As someone that is new to the series, can I have some insight into how this game works as an RPG? Are there stats/levels/character customisation, etc? I'm looking forward to this game since I have heard amazing things about it, but I don't actually know anything about it.
The demo is a little over 1200MB.

The game is not an RPG, it has indeed some RPG elements, but it is mainly a pseudo free roaming brawler.
IRL, I would say Shizuka Muto (武藤静香) is the best looking of the Ageha ladies in Y3. But they all have very,hmm, particular way of makeup and hair, which is not to everyones liking....
*Gag* *cough* My dear people (in KZ2 Scholar Visari's voice)...

I saw a Japanese songstress before and after make-up. The difference is like day and night, apple and orange, man and woman. It made me swore that I shall never date a woman -- no exception -- without knowing her natural look. You won't be able to change my mind by showing a few make-up photos. :devilish:

Now as for Yakuza 3, I hope Y4 does a better job modelling and perfecting the in-game models and voices. The Y3 girls are cool gaming partners. In fact, my first brief Karoke game with Sakurai was the moment when I decided to get the game. Like real KTV girls, they will pester you via your cellphone. I'd advice people against giving their cellphone numbers to the girls in real life. :p

EDIT: Googled it. Linking to an explanation of Ageho (Age-jo) girls for the uninitiated:

How big is the demo? Would like to try it if it doesn't murder my DL limit.

As someone that is new to the series, can I have some insight into how this game works as an RPG? Are there stats/levels/character customisation, etc? I'm looking forward to this game since I have heard amazing things about it, but I don't actually know anything about it.

I am new to the game also. I don't think it is an RPG game. It's more of an action game at heart.

Part of the attraction comes from my curiosity in foreign cultures. Like the Ageho phenomenon above, it's more a reflection of Japanese pop-culture rather than a game design.

The rest are the mini-games, old school (read: very limited) exploration, and the simple-to-get-into fighting. I won't lean on the story either, but all the elements add up together to make an entertaining demo experience. Will post more after I finish the game.

Big mistake: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/107/1071367p1.html

did everything that made the game a hit in Japan make it into the U.S./U.K. versions?

The short answer is "no," but it's not as bad as you might think, according to a SEGA representative.

"The content between Yakuza 3 US/UK and Yakuza JP is a little different in that we took out certain bits in order to bring the game to the west in the time alloted for us to do so. The parts we ended up taking out were parts that we felt wouldn't make sense (like a Japanese history quiz game) or wouldn't resonate as much (such as the concept of a hostess club)," the rep told IGN. "We didn't replace the parts we took out, but we made absolutely sure that the story continuity stayed intact so that the story experience was the same as the Japanese version and that it didn't take away the human drama so inherent to the Yakuza series."

The good news? Even though the hostess clubs are out, you can still go on dates with the girls. Better news? The strip clubs are still in Yakuza 3, so plan on dropping some Yen there.

So they took out Club Ageha totally ? How do you get introduced to Sakurai and the other girls ? Is the girl friend sim still intact ? I wanted to know what I said to her^H^H^H them in the Japanese demo. :no:
Personally I never liked the Hostess Club games in Yak 1 & 2 so I dont mind too much.

The "strip club" sounds assuming but thats all it will be in games like this. I'll go initially honestly just to see how much nudity is present, then I'll just ignore them for the rest of the game and get on with brawling and side quests. The main things that made the Yakuza games great.
Well, some of the mini-games are played with the Club Ageha hostesses. They will need to introduce the girls somehow.
Kotaku has a longer explanation of why I thought it's a terrible move to remove Club Ageha:

Their description of Asian hostess club is rather accurate. It's pretty fun (and funny) to visit if you can control yourself. [size=-2]Imagine 3,000 beautiful women parading in front of you in batches, or you can choose by calling out your favorite celeb's name; they will bring a few look-alikes to you :devilish:[/size]

To some people, it's probably too creepy to discuss or experience in the Y3 game, so I can understand why they took it out due to time constraints. But it's a way of life, and this is a Yakuza game. The clubs are usually visited by all sorts of business men, including the underground ones, or even government officials. The good hostesses are cheery, smart and seasoned. If they don't like you, you won't be able to take advantage of them easily. They are very good conversational and gaming partners too (You don't have to worry about them getting mad at you). ^_^
[size=-2]I totally forgot about it ![/size]

Not me :p This was my only purchase this past week, and despite the cuts, the game was extremely enjoyable. Anyone up for a 90's style Japanese game with a modern gloss (and some great music) should pick it up.

Some side quests were cut as well, but the main game itself is about 20 hours long the first time around. New game + is there as well as a couple of other modes. DLC's should on their way too. Still, it's too bad that some content was taken out.

A personal 8.5/10. Sadly, I don't think we'll be seeing the 4th one in the west.
Ive been waiting for this game a long time but i just cant justify picking it up right now. What a stupid time to release it i mean i cant even remember a holiday season thats had as many must have games as recently. Just Cause 2 is another one ill be having to leave until a later date.
Ive been waiting for this game a long time but i just cant justify picking it up right now. What a stupid time to release it i mean i cant even remember a holiday season thats had as many must have games as recently. Just Cause 2 is another one ill be having to leave until a later date.

If enough people act like you we won't se translated Y4. But it hit 24 in the UK charts, maybe that is enough?