Windows Vista sounds comparison with XP

I have ALL system sounds turned off on all my machines... I always listen to music when I'm doing severe-duty computer geekage; the type of music depends on my mood for the day and what kind of work I'm doing. My tastes vary widely, but on occasion I'll load up something "symphonic" such as movie soundtracks to Gladiator or A Beautiful Mind, or pieces by Mozart or The Ludwig Von. :) (two points to the person who guesses the movie origin of "the Ludwig Von")

So I'll be pleasantly enjoying my music, deep into whatever-the-hell I'm working on, and suddenly a big mother-F'ing "BOOONNKK!" comes over the headphones at eleventy brazillion decibels.

:runaway: :runaway: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I hate that. I hate it, hate it, HATE IT, HATE IT. All system sounds, IM sounds, any sort of sound that I haven't specifically CHOSEN to play on my own accord is strictly forbidden on any of my machines.

Hate it.
I hate that. I hate it, hate it, HATE IT, HATE IT. All system sounds, IM sounds, any sort of sound that I haven't specifically CHOSEN to play on my own accord is strictly forbidden on any of my machines.

Hate it.

You'll be happy to know that you can individually control the volume levels of applications in Vista, so if some app misbehaves you can teach it to keep quiet or almost quiet no matter what. This feature really kicks ass :)
Yeah, I did notice that on all the builds I've been testing over the last few months. It's definitely a welcome change, and the new Vista sounds are a bit more pleasant on the ears than the XP sounds.

I may still give them the finger anyway ;) but the combination of the "softer" sound set and the ability to control the volume levels individually may allow them to live afterall...
Can't stand those Windows sounds, generally get ultra violently removed after a jarring BOOONNK if I've forgotten to disable them immediately upon windows reinstall :mad:
The new ones suck. The problem is that they are much harder to hear. I guess I'm weird in that I use the sounds, I often find certain ones actually have a useful purpose, so I'll back and choose which ones to keep and which ones need to go.

Cant say I really like the Vista ones at all. Instead of trying some orginal sounds they simply changed the "type" of sound but not the style of sound.
You can definitely tell they're tailored for Aeroglass. There's that type of feeling. A lot of them I don't mind... a lot of them I don't like because they're too faint. There's no presence to the sound.

Someone call John Williams. He can score a porno, he can score Windows.