... do we swing our arms when walking?
... do men feel so much more tired than women after sex?
... do homosexuals get stigmatized more than lesbians?
... do men get the "shudder when almost done peeing" more than women do?
and finally...
... do we play games when we can be having sex?
On the arm-swinging and lesbian topic: did you just buy the Seinfeld DVD set, or recently see the episode in a similar vein where Elaine got in a fight with Raquel Welch? I'll be referencing it in my response to a few of these points.
4) I'm not an expert, but the body-heat answer seems to be a good idea. I'd go further by noting that on average, men have less body fat than women, so any temperature change would be more pronounced.
1) It's probably more of an instinctive balance thing. We can force ourselves to not do it, but it's not natural and it takes effort. Like in the Seinfeld episode, it just seems rigid and unnatural.
2) I think it's a little less unequal if the woman does more than stay on her back...
That aside, there could be some physiological and evolutionary reasons:
The chemical cascade is different in men than it is in women, not to mention that men tend to have orgasms more easily than women, so women tend to have their cascades cut short.
Women have an evolutionary reason to want to keep active after mating, perhaps being more suited for social networking, it is to further bond formation or not be too vulnerable when around a man whose evolutionary tendencies are more short-term and potentially less than helpful for the woman.
The man's work is at a base level already done. The woman's in the best case is just starting.
3) This isn't something I can say with total confidence, but it's not necessarily totally true.
First: those with the most visceral reasons for disliking homosexuals are men, while women would dislike lesbians
men have more overt ways of stigmatizing, women have different ones that are not usually as obvious or broadcast the way men would do it
Second: women in various areas are already stigmatized or marginalized, an additional stigma isn't necessarily additive in nature
What's a man who marginalizes women going to do with a lesbian, marginalize her?
On the other hand, a man who should be in a position of some priveledge who is gay is overtly stigmatized by men and loses status.
Third: men, as noted before, don't like lesbians They like a surplus of hyperfeminized sexual ideals that might be lesbian but (hopefully) won't mind letting a dude join in. There are evolutionary reasons why this is might be so.
There's also some math involved. Instinctively, from my experience, straight men find the sights and sounds of women enjoying themselves more pleasing than dudes doing the same.
A hot lesbian love scene has twice of the former(or more!!!!!), and none of the latter, which is nice from a fantasy standpoint. Why is it that women in pornos marketed to men can't shut up, but the guys are almost mimes?
To illustrate the point from a man watching straight porn:
Woman: "Oh yeah, do me. Oh god, it's so good." moan, scream, fake orgasm *repeat a million times*
Man: slight grunt upon reaching climax
Me (to the man on the screen): "Shut up!!!!!"
edit: (three-ways in porn also rarely do it for me if its multiple men on one woman, one strange wang is already reaching the threshold of what I'm willing to tolerate, the male actor is meant to be a stand-in for the usually male viewer, and it gets harder to do so with more of them)
To reference Seinfeld:
Elaine asks why men in her office thought nothing of mocking their female boss, but make catty noises when Elaine joins in (she mocks how the boss doesn't move her arms).
Jerry explains that men want to see them fight.
Why, Elaine asks?
"Because they might kiss," Jerry explains sagely.
To which a (pre racist rant) Kramer goes "oohhh yeahhh".
I'd also reference a late-night comedy sketch where men are granted a wish to see two lesbians going at it, but are devastated when instead of getting two lipstick lesbians, they are given two toneless butch women wearing flannel.
Other considerations:
What would women get out of having multiple potentially unstable, less nurturing men as mates?
At least with a lesbian, she can still serve the role as a babysitter or other suboordinate in the realm of raising young or maintaining social networks.
What do men get out of having gay men around? Less mating competition, but still competition for resources necessary to attract or maintain mates, and gay men would be unlikely to be as cooperative as lesbians: they are still men.
5) Knowing the stereotypical demographics of young, socially awkward, cash-strapped, hard-core gamers on the internet or anywhere, I think the question can be answered by another question "since when can we have sex?"
Actually, I think this question to varying degrees can be applied to other situations as well. I'm rarely confronted with the situation where I have to choose between gaming or sex. Sadly, it's usually the lack of the latter.