Why can't the US do this to EA games?

K.I.L.E.R said:
...where the government can govern rather than one which corporations can govern?

Slightly off topic, but what's the difference? They'll both evolve into the same special interests groups anyways, and at which point you'll still have the same people calling the shots.
The ACCC enforces laws.
Government has to change laws in order to help themselves in "self interest" groups.
A change of law requires majority vote in parliament.
Assuming people wont go berserk over it beforehand forcing the government to back down.
It's happened before.

Australia's socialist values rock. :)
Much better than America's heavily corrupt and crappy capitalist system. 8)

Killer-Kris said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
...where the government can govern rather than one which corporations can govern?

Slightly off topic, but what's the difference? They'll both evolve into the same special interests groups anyways, and at which point you'll still have the same people calling the shots.
K.I.L.E.R said:
The ACCC enforces laws.
Government has to change laws in order to help themselves in "self interest" groups.
A change of law requires majority vote in parliament.
Assuming people wont go berserk over it beforehand forcing the government to back down.
It's happened before.

So your politicians tend to not vote against the people's wishes? That's kind of cool.

Sorry, just not used to that sort of thing, where as over here it doesn't matter Dem or Rep, if a lobiest throughs enough $ their way they vote a certain way.

Australia's socialist values rock. :)
Much better than America's heavily corrupt and crappy capitalist system. 8)

I think the capitalism here is fine, it's mainly the corruption that has gotta go.
We tend to have a real easy life down here in Oz. :)

Of course we do tend to argue about more of our less than local policies such as illegal immigrants.
Nobody does crap about it simply because we don't care about foreigners.

The only people complaining there are some left wing students.