Who likes NV30 vs. R300 threads?

Who likes NV30 vs. R300 threads?

  • Oh joy! Is there a copy of Moby Dick I could read, too?!

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Professional Malcontent
Ok, cast your votes!

(If you actually like Moby Dick, you can substitute with Anna Karenina, the Color Purple, The Battlefield Earth Saga, Robert Jordan's latest book, etc)

Authors note: For more comic effect, I tried to have a single option. Apparently that's not much of a poll, though. Who'd of guessed?
hehe, can you define "ban". Does that mean "initial" ban, or "final" ban? :D

My dick is bigger than yours because I use "brand x" video card and my dad can beat up your dad. So there! Take that you Fanvidiatrox.

My intel onboard graphics card RoXors your Soxors.
RussSchultz said:
Ok, cast your votes!

(If you actually like Moby Dick, you can substitute with Anna Karenina, the Color Purple, The Battlefield Earth Saga, Robert Jordan's latest book, etc)

Authors note: More more comic effect, I tried to have a single option. Apparently that's not much of a poll, though. Who'd of guessed?

Definitely Robert Jordan's latest book. That whole series has gone so far down the tubes, it will roast forever in infamy. I can't believe people still read that garbage (the first few books were pretty good too). I'd rather read Moby Dick through about 5 times over. It'd still be less redundant than Robert Jordan's series. ;)
RussSchultz said:
Ok, cast your votes!

(If you actually like Moby Dick, you can substitute with Anna Karenina, the Color Purple, The Battlefield Earth Saga, Robert Jordan's latest book, etc)

Actually, Battlefield Earth was one of L. Ron's better books (comparatively). Perhaps you were thinking of the Mission Earth series(by the same author), which was major dreck EVEN considering the source.

Not to mention the fact that he somehow managed to write 4 or 5 more volumes posthumously.
I bet so, though I've never read either of them. I avoided L. Ron like the plague.

I get the heebies just walking past the Scientology Center on Guadeloupe St.

Not to mention the fact that he somehow managed to write 4 or 5 more volumes posthumously.

Strange how Heinlein did the same thing.
I'm surprised Sherlock couldn't deduce that there wasn't a topic to begin with. ;)
RussSchultz said:
Strange how Heinlein did the same thing.

lol... but at least Heinlein's were good books =)

there was a lot of phillip k. dick stuff published after his death as well that was pretty good.

wacky sci-fi writers always gotta have the last word. :)
Usualy I don't apreciate fanboysm but .... if between those fanboy predictions there are some real pieces of info I'm gonna try reading it while skiping the fanboy parts .
The problem is that 99.9% of the fanboy info is wrong. Even the 'well connected' people who were posting about R300, some of whom are highly regarded, were posting far more wrong than right.

Be sure that the nv and ATI guys regularly have a laugh at the board rumour mills.

There is no point discussing unannounced products... at least now R9700 is announced some of us who have actually been working on the thing can right some of the wrongs.
I see nothing wrong in comparing R300 to NV30, as long as the discussions remains reasonable and doesn't turn into Nvidia vs ATI flame bait, what 99.9% happens :D
alexsok said:
I see nothing wrong in comparing R300 to NV30, as long as the discussions remains reasonable and doesn't turn into Nvidia vs ATI flame bait, what 99.9% happens :D

What is wrong with the matter is that the NV30 doesn't exist yet. So in reality there really is nothing to be "comparing". The NV30 AFAIK is vapourware.
alexsok said:
I see nothing wrong in comparing R300 to NV30, as long as the discussions remains reasonable and doesn't turn into Nvidia vs ATI flame bait, what 99.9% happens :D
Now think carefully about that. Why do you think that happens? Do you see a pattern?
Now think carefully about that. Why do you think that happens? Do you see a pattern?

Yes I do see a pattern and I do know why that happens.

The only possible way it can be avoided is to avoid posting any speculations about NV30 till the card is announced and it's specs are revealed, but what will we discuss about then?

NV30 speculations is while the main reason for flame baits, it still manages to raise some rather intresting discussions.

Although I'm not sure whether it's worth it or not...
NV30 speculations is while the main reason for flame baits, it still manages to raise some rather intresting discussions.

And those interesting discussions will likely be raised regardless of your constanct babble about NV30, so, if you'd quit it the babble to useful discussion ratio will increase - which quite frankly isn't particularily difficult considering the depths its sunk to. Now stop with the babble.