What's your most regrettable buying decision on the internet whilst drunk?


I decided one night I was going to learn the guitar and so ordered one plus a beginners guide to guitar playing. I am mid 30's and completely unmusical, I have a small daughter and get no time to myself either. I sobered up the next morning and managed to cancel it but not the guide which still sits on my bookshelf just in case, or for a present for someone....

I also once got so pissed off with the squirrels in the garden digging up my plants I got drunk and then started ordering high powered air pistols, targets, tipped pellets etc etc. If I could have bought an AK47 I think I would have bought that plus some combat fatigues. That was another thing I cancelled in the morning.

And the number of Thai brides ... er, no just joking.... um.

What have you bought or almost bought whilst mixing beer with a credit card ?
What have you bought or almost bought whilst mixing beer with a credit card ?
I dont drink so I have not had this problem, but sometimes I wish I did so that I could pull the trigger on a new HDTV. I keep postponing buying one, because something better is always coming out.
I dont drink so I have not had this problem, but sometimes I wish I did so that I could pull the trigger on a new HDTV.

I pulled the trigger on a 37" HDTV whilst under the influence. Nice and big and man-sized, I persuaded myself. Woke up next morning and measured the space it was supposed to fit into .... bzzztttt!! The store allowed me to switch for a 32" and refunded the difference, so all was well.

That's the thing with beer you see, makes things seem larger than they really are.
Got back from my cousin's wedding this past Saturday night, got the kids to bed, logged into LOTRO, and promptly spent 4 gold for the last page I needed to complete my Furthest Charge legendary skill. Waaaaay too much money for a single page, but I'd been drinking at the reception.

Wait, does this belong within the thread?
How do you type or remember your own credit card number whilst drunk?

What, you mean you do not have a notepad file on your desktop that you can cut and paste from ?

My mate Steve has a Visual basic program called FUwife.exe that does it all for him and cuts out those Cntrl C Cntrl V errors.
Got back from my cousin's wedding this past Saturday night, got the kids to bed, logged into LOTRO, and promptly spent 4 gold for the last page I needed to complete my Furthest Charge legendary skill. Waaaaay too much money for a single page, but I'd been drinking at the reception.

Wait, does this belong within the thread?

A wedding and Lord of the Rings ... how appropriate John !

With this credit card I do swear

"'to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer"

What, you mean you do not have a notepad file on your desktop that you can cut and paste from ?

My mate Steve has a Visual basic program called FUwife.exe that does it all for him and cuts out those Cntrl C Cntrl V errors.

Nope, I don't keep such things on my desktop. I don't have a wife either so I wouldn't need the FUwife.exe, although I guess it is nice to know such programs exist when the time comes.
I bought an AGP graphics card when my motherboard didn't have an AGP slot :cry:
It was an old PCI on-board thing, but I still laugh when I remember it turning up and I thought.... "shit".
I've bought the following: (recently)

·an Airhogs Reflex Mini RC copter,
·A pair of Sennheiser HD 595's,
·a set of Klipsch Promedia 2.1's to replace my Logitech 2300s,
· a nerf gun,
· a set of 18" rims for my car that don't fit,
· one porn subscription(immediately canceled),
· a razer mouse and mousepad,
· and a pair of Shure e500 IEMS.

Not all of those were necessarily online purchases, though most were.

All of them were "drunk" purchases. I didn't regret any of them except the RC copter, the porn sub, the rims and the mouse/pad.

Hell, I should go start a topic: "Food you regrettably bought while blazed as hell." Wienerschnitzel chili-cheese 10 packs would top that list.
Got back from my cousin's wedding this past Saturday night, got the kids to bed, logged into LOTRO, and promptly spent 4 gold for the last page I needed to complete my Furthest Charge legendary skill. Waaaaay too much money for a single page, but I'd been drinking at the reception.

Wait, does this belong within the thread?

I've seen a book on sale in the AH. Do the pages combine into a complete book? Or is the book empty at first and you need to add the pages?
All of them were "drunk" purchases. I didn't regret any of them except the RC copter, the porn sub, the rims and the mouse/pad.
You know, when you actually regret half (4/8) of the listed purchases; I don't think 'did not regret any of them' applies anymore, exceptions or not... ;)

As for my own drunk buying: it is limited to games and DVDs after browsing bargain forums. Mostly they work out perfectly fine, but I once bough a 'deluxe' copy of Playboy: The Mansion. It's just a really poor game, and the subject matter probably played some part in the decision at the time. Anyway, it was only £5 (I think) and the box actually looks kinda' nice. Still, wouldn't have bought it sober.