Whats the best way to find out if your mainly CPU or GPU lim


FarCry is runnin glike a dog at highest settings and id like to know which i am. Also, do you think a ~3.2 Presscott would be much faster then what i have now?

Athlon XP 2600+
1gb DDR333
Radeon 9700Pro
Epox 8rda+
With that configuration you should be able to run farcry at 1024x768 with everything maxed in game (no AA/no AF or maybe even 2xAA/2xAF) and get a playable FPS rate and good gaming experience. You might be able to push it to 1280x1024 with no AA/no AF and get a mostly playable with some scenes dipping into the 20 fps range with your system.
--Oh yea I know this cause your system spec is almost exactly the same as mine AMD 2400XP, R9700pro, 1 gig ram etc.
best way to find out would be to either change core clocks of either cpu/gpu and see if any speed changes occur, OR simply bump the res/add AA and see if framerate changes.

Benchmark Farcry using FRAPS at 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, and 1600x1200. Plot them with excel. The closer the line is to horizontal, the less likely your video card is the limiting factor.

You can also do the same thing in the resolution you play buy changing the GPU clock. If your average FPS does not move, then the speed of your GPU is not the limiting factor. Then try video memory, look for the same thing. After that vary the GPU AND video memory, again if your average FPS does not move, your video card that that resolution is not the limiting factor.

Hope this helps,
Dr. Ffreeze
Dr. Ffreeze said:

Benchmark Farcry using FRAPS at 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, and 1600x1200. Plot them with excel. The closer the line is to horizontal, the less likely your video card is the limiting factor.
To add to this, make sure the X ordinate of the graph is the number of screen pixels (i.e the product of the screen X and Y dimensions), the y is the framerate, and that both axes are spaced linearly.