What an awful way to die



Wells, 46, was killed Thursday afternoon when a bomb attached to the collar exploded after a bank robbery. Wells had told police he had been forced to rob the bank.

After the robbery, Pennsylvania State Police stopped Wells, handcuffed him and sat him down on the ground, safely away from others. Police then called a bomb squad, but the device exploded before bomb technicians arrived, killing Wells.

A task force of federal, state and local investigators is looking into whether Wells was a hostage or willing participant, said Cpl. Mark Zaleski, a Pennsylvania State Police spokesman.

The collar around Wells' neck included a series of locks near his throat and was "obviously designed by the individual who intended to affix it," Rudge said.

Here's a photo:


Drug runners have done this before... In a way this is good that the cops didnt let him go... If they had let him go and the robbery succeeded imagine the number of copycats that would be doing same over the next few months?

Im still a bit worried the fuckers will try this again a couple times with some other poor guy... I mean its obvious the people saddled with this will have lousy robberies... the assholes who did this probly expect them to be caught but to be released soon after so they can save their lives... I just dont know how they expect to collect and not have the guy be followed.

God hindsight... Next time they have to let the guy bring the $ to the bombers...

Watched this on the news upset me so I really dont know how to deal with this well... What did the bombers plan to do when the guy brought the loot over...
It's said the bomb was remote controlled. If so, perhaps we can use some blocking device (a room or something similar) trying to block the signal. Of course, if it's a time bomb this won't work.
That's a GREAT way to die, hope to die that way instead of a slow and very painful death, those are killer 8)