Vampire Survivors [XBSX|S, PC, Mac, NX, iOS, Android, PS -June 2024-]


I don't have this game, but I have Halls of Torment and since it's based on Vampire Survivors, one can see how the game can be so fun. 210000+ overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam.

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well, I got the game today, just because it has coop thus my 6 and 4 y.o. nephews can play it together. Unlike Halls of Torment which has no coop, a few days ago they spent a some hours playing Lost Castle (which I got for free on the Epic Store), a roguelike with coop -up to 4 players-, and they were so entertained with it.
I re-purchased the game, the PC Gamepass version when I was watching the credits and noticed it is available on PC Gamepass for 3,99€, which is 1€ cheaper than on Steam. So I asked for a refund of the Steam version but not because it is a bad version, it's just that I have a lot of friends on pc gamepass and it works better with my preferred gamepad.

I still have to figure out how to play this co-op, but this game is so addicting.
Had a lot more luck in my second run when starting with the PC Gamepass version, 'cos I got the laurel at the very beginning and I lasted like never before after upgrading it. Then after dying I got the garlic and it is amazing as a defensive item.
Xbox might have some exclusivity?
it seems so, I read an article that they adapted the engine for the console -xbox- version, and also for PC and it was a success on gamepass. The game is on the Switch though, so I guess it will end up on the PS5 as well.

This game is very sensitive to framerate. I locked the game to 30fps with Rivatuner and with all the things going on at the same time and all the craziness, the game becomes a slide fest. Even at a certain distance -I play at around 2 meters- I couldn't bear with it, however at 165fps it's a delight to play. I imagine this is one of those 120Hz games on consoles, and 60fps might be acceptable too.

I also got Brotato on pc gamepass today, so I have two of the best games of the genre on the windows store, which has some benefits for me -specially with the controller-.
If you end up getting into this type of game, and want more suggestions, there's a LOT of good variations by other developers. :)

I just wish I had more time to play them right now. I'm not longer 100% on Vampirer Survivors because I don't have time for games at the moment.

got the 3 DLC packs on pc gamepass for 1,99€ each (Legacy of the Moonspell DLC and Tides of the Foscari DLC), and 2,49€ for Vampire Survivor Emergency Meeting DLC.

Really loving this game and Halls of Torment. Both run like a charm, at a constant 164fps and are very fun.

The main advantage of this game over any other autoshooter roguelike is, imho, the fact that it has co-op so I can play with other people or my 6 y.o. and 4 y.o. nephews.
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I unlocked like 10 characters, and my favourite by far is She-Moon Eeta, with which I subsequently unlocked most of the maps -only one or two left to unlock, I think?-. I like to go floating around with her and use her weapon maxed out. However, I found this video just when trying to find out why She-Moon Eeta is so good, at least for me, 'cos I am still getting to grips with the game -I dunno why she works well, but she works- and I learnt something new from the video:

New patch for Vampire Survivors that is more like a little expansion -without having the content of paid DLC like Among Us DLC, and Konami's Contra series DLC-.

'Most ambitious' Vampire Survivors update yet features 'immersive door opening action' and 'world premiere train mechanics'

Btw, Playstation version confirmed, it will come out in june 2024.