Useless movie trivia

John Reynolds

Ecce homo
I just learned that Porkins from the original Star Wars also played Lt. Echkardt in the '89 Batman movie. Also noticed Christian Bale, the new Batman, listed in the acting credits for Branagh's Henry V after popping it in last night, and sure enough he plays Falstaff's boy and is probably age 15 or so but still easily recognizable.
David Warner, who appeared in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) as St John Talbot (the Federation representative on Nimbus III) and as Chancellor Gorkon in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991), stepped in for Malcolm McDowell, busy filming the short-lived Fantasy Island (1998) television remake at the time, for the role of Admiral Tolwyn in Wing Commander (1999).

McDowell played Admiral Tolwyn in Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger (1994) and Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (1995) and was cast at Dr Tolian Soran in Star Trek: Generations (1994). The Hobbes character in Wing Commander 3: Heart of The Tiger was voiced by John Schuck, who appeared in both Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) and Star Trek VI: The Undiscoverd Country as the Klingon ambassador.
BrynS said:
The Hobbes character in Wing Commander 3: Heart of The Tiger was voiced by John Schuck, who appeared in both Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) and Star Trek VI: The Undiscoverd Country as the Klingon ambassador.
He also played Draal (the younger version) in at least one episode of Babylon 5 I believe. Or else that actor has very similar voice, looks and mannerisms... Hm, yes, I checked the Lurker's guide and it is the same guy. :)

By the way, Hammond's kids in Jurassic Park II: The Lost World are the same two actors as in the first movie. Amazing, eh?! :D
Guden: ...Knock my socks off! Really, you mean the same people were cast as the same characters in a Spielberg sequel?

I will never ever believe you!