UK to pass anti-fake blogger law!


Looks like the UK are gonna be the first country to step up to the plate and deal with viral marketing:

Hotels, restaurants and online shops that post glowing reviews about themselves under false identities could face criminal prosecution under new rules that come into force next year.

Businesses which write fake blog entries or create whole wesbites purporting to be from customers will fall foul of a European directive banning them from “falsely representing oneself as a consumerâ€￾.

From December 31, when the change becomes law in the UK, they can be named and shamed by trading standards or taken to court.
Good for them. :)
Looks like the UK are gonna be the first country to step up to the plate and deal with viral marketing:

I think it's part of the ongoing move to make companies advertising on the internet liable to the same rules and responsibilities as those that advertise on press, radio or TV. Currently we've had quite a few ad companies using the internet to get away with advertising (like viral and fake-fan sites) that would be illegal if done in traditional media, but they can get away with on the internet because of loopholes in advertising law with regards to the internet.