UBIsoft in potential financial trouble

Aren't ass creed games about people from the future entering memories of dead ancestors and being like in the matrix ?

Besides the fact that the reality contains both science fiction and fantasy elements, it is 100% an interpretation. Memories are at their core, an interpretation of reality. If the technology existed that could simulate out memories, those memories would have to be further interpreted by the machine, and would be played back and reinterpreted by the user re-experiencing those memories. Perception is limited by our ability to interpret the stimulation.

An easy way to think of it is 2 people with different spice tolerances eating a medium spice dish. One might hardly feel the spice, while the other might find it unbearable. The ground truth is that it's medium, but the individual interpretations would be mild and spicy.
None of the other, older titles were like this.
None of the other, older titles were like this.
Real life is like this. What we experience, and by extension of that, our memories, are not the ground truth of reality. They are an interpretation of reality. In fact, there is plenty of research that suggests that our memories are extremely malleable, and constantly being reinterpreted by ourselves. Any simulation of our memories would have to be an interpretation at best. And down right fantasy at worst. Which perfectly explains why you fight a minotaur and Thomas Jefferson having bear strength in these games.

Also, there are plenty of times in the older titles where the player character knows they are in the future. They have conversations with the people in the Animus. So even if they are reliving the memories of someone else, they would still be interpreting those memories through themselves.
Ubi's money comes from making and selling products. What good is investors wanting certain types of products if those products fail in the market place? Heck, what use is it to those investors even?!
A lot of the computer age shareholder companies are driven by shareholder value/investments than their actual income stream. They always promise "the future" like Twitter(before takeover) or Netflix. They were only bleeding money with no profit in sight...

UBI is dependent on investments and if Blackrock wants to punish a company's shareholder value they can do that easily if they don't follow the agenda. They control global markets...

Just look what Disney did with Star Wars they paid 4B for. They destroyed it *intentionally*.

It wasn't rational by conventional business logic.

That should tell you that for some groups money is just a social/control tool and not just used to make more. Then you see the hand of the state/central-banks and the real global power players at work.
This is getting too RSPC OT. There certainly isn't a need to determine historical gender types in Japan if the game is actually selling well, as Ubi's financials clearly aren't be affected whether there was or wasn't. IF Shadows bombs, and there's fair evidence it was due to the gender aspects of the story, quite possibly, maybe, at a push, the outrage of historical inaccuracy can be considered. ;)
You can start reading up here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_minorities_in_Japan

Even when I lived there in the early 2000s there was a lot of newhalf porn etc. There were also things like cross dressing host and hostess clubs and similar. I never saw one in real life though.
This artical has a tag in the header saying it’s poorly written (and I agree, its structure is unlike any other wiki article I’ve read) and also doesn’t prove the existence of ‘non binaries’ in feudal Japan. You going there and seeing perverts in 2001 is irrelevant.

There certainly isn't a need to determine historical gender types in Japan if the game is actually selling well, as Ubi's financials clearly aren't be affected whether there was or wasn't.
i think it will sell well regardless of the gender nonsense because it’s ultimately not a major part of the game. That said it won’t sell well enough to pull Ubisoft out of the hole imo, and this is partially due to it looking like just an iteration on the post-Origins template. I would like an AC game that returns to form, like a successor to AC Brotherhood/Revelations than Origins/Odyssey.
As an uncertain reference point, Shadows hit 60k peak Steam users. First page English language negative reviews seems mostly about technical faults, DRM, voice acting quality, and generally being a dull game to play in their opinions. 83% positive on Steam. 8.1 Metacritic. 4.1 PC User Metacritic with a lot of remarks on Japanese history.
This artical has a tag in the header saying it’s poorly written (and I agree, its structure is unlike any other wiki article I’ve read) and also doesn’t prove the existence of ‘non binaries’ in feudal Japan. You going there and seeing perverts in 2001 is irrelevant.

It is not nice to call non-binary or trans people perverts. But anyway, you can't really prove anything when it comes to history.

My experience with Japan is that trans-gender and non-binarism was way more prevalent than norther Europe where I came come from. And we have old pagan gods that are both mother and fathers like Loki!