torrent info.


Passenger on Serenity
I need to download something this weekend. :cool: Im pretty sure its legal, just dont know where to do it. Can someone point out some sites that might carry it?

Specifically im looking for the commercials that will be airing on Super Bowl, my brother is in South Africa and will be watching the game there. However they will not show the same commercials over there. Id rather just download the commercial, instead of going into the attic for my vcr and busting that out.

Any help would be appreciated.

ps if commericials have the same protection that movies/games/music have, than could a mod please delete/lock this thread.
I knew you were a capitalist pig, Epic (and thus by extension, your family as well), but that you guys were so corrupt you watch commercials for fun and pleasure, that was beyond even my abilities to comprehend!

;) j/k

In any case, commercials are of course copyrighted, but I really doubt the companies in question would have the feds bust down your door and arrest you for torrenting them... After all, they WANT people to watch them. I don't think you have anything to worry about.