The future space station of the sea?




It looks more like the Starship Enterprise sinking in the sea - but this huge vertical vessel could be the future of ocean exploration.

Called the SeaOrbiter, the huge 51m (167ft) structure is set to be the world's first vertical ship allowing man a revolutionary view of life below the surface.

Although currently only a prototype its inventor Jacques Rougerie thinks his international oceanographic station will soon be setting sail.

Your thoughts? :)
I was thinking about this last night (reading a book about raising the titanic)
Wouldnt it be great to go on a submarine cruise?
Obviously one lotsa viewports, the prospect of
A/ seeing things youve never seen before - certainty
B/ seeing someting that noones ever seen before - a possibility
Seeing as no engines of any sort are mentioned in that cross-section schematic I assume it drifts passively along ocean currents. What a wonderfully relaxing method of travel! Hopefully it does employ some sort of active stabilization tech though, or it might not be so relaxing after all in certain weather conditions, lol!
Haha yeah I was thingking Homeworld when I saw the picture.