The '05 credit roll

Rolf N

Recurring Membmare
... contained a few familiar names. "Futuremark would like to thank the following individuals for their <fuzzy memory>help during development of 3DMark 05 </fuzzy memory>". Among the names I recognized were Dave Baumann, Thomas Bruckschlegel, Anthony Tan, and then ... Nicolas Thibieroz.

I find this rather intriguing. A PowerVR employee contributed to 3DMark05 development. Which begs the questions of how he contributed, and what motivated him to do so. There are, as usual, mutliple possible explanations. Is this hope? ATM it feels like it is, but that may just be me.
Poets of the Fall rock!!!

gave me the MP2 feeling while watching the credits 8)
zeckensack said:
... contained a few familiar names. "Futuremark would like to thank the following individuals for their <fuzzy memory>help during development of 3DMark 05 </fuzzy memory>". Among the names I recognized were Dave Baumann, Thomas Bruckschlegel, Anthony Tan, and then ... Nicolas Thibieroz.

I find this rather intriguing. A PowerVR employee contributed to 3DMark05 development. Which begs the questions of how he contributed, and what motivated him to do so. There are, as usual, mutliple possible explanations. Is this hope? ATM it feels like it is, but that may just be me.

Dan Vivoli (??) was also listed there and I think you can find other chip manufacturers persons as well. There is a quite lot of names.
Yep. Which is exactly why there are "multiple possible explanations" ;)

You have the "community feedback", "(pro) user feedback", "IHV feedback", "ISV/research feedback". It's pretty obvious why and how IHVs contributed. I was merely wondering whether Nicolas did IHV feedback, or ISV/research feedback. Remember the book and the shader demos put out by the good PowerVR folk.

PS: Congrats for being included in the list to everyone (... who's proud of it; just noticed in another thread that some may not be).
Well with memory speeds being kinda stagnet it would be a good time for power vr to get back into the game
This prompted me to post a reply in my latest RaTP thread.

I am not sure if FM sends the same questionairre to all BDP members (IHVs and the press like B3D) during the formulation stages of 3DMark05. If they do (and I assume so), then the credited personnels is just a list of folks that FM felt have contributed to 3DMark05 in its final form in some way/fashion, regardless of how much they contributed. As far as personnels from IHVs are concerned, perhaps FM felt such IHV individuals deserve special mention (for whatever reasons... usually good ones... maybe they responded frequently and in a timely fashion) even though the IHV company is credited earlier on in the credit roll.
zeckensack said:
PS: Congrats for being included in the list to everyone (... who's proud of it; just noticed in another thread that some may not be).

Do you have a link to that thread?

Is my name still listed? My name has been in the credits since 3DMark99 I believe. Last time I gave feedback was for 2001. LOL Maybe they finally removed me off the list?

Tommy McClain
zeckensack said:
I find this rather intriguing. A PowerVR employee contributed to 3DMark05 development. Which begs the questions of how he contributed, and what motivated him to do so. There are, as usual, mutliple possible explanations. Is this hope? ATM it feels like it is, but that may just be me.

I'm sure they would have at least checked it on the simulator ( ;) ) in order to make sure they are able to run it. That would earn him a credit.
The PowerVR guys have provided valuable feedback in every 3DMark development project I've been involved in - ever since 2K1. PowerVR/Imagination Technologies is still an active member of our benchmark development program. Those guys are really good at this tech. and we're glad to have them aboard.

All the people in the credits have actively contributed in developing the benchmark. They are not just some names that need to be there for political reasons. A BIG thanks from us to all that participated.

zeckensack said:
... contained a few familiar names. "Futuremark would like to thank the following individuals for their <fuzzy memory>help during development of 3DMark 05 </fuzzy memory>". Among the names I recognized were Dave Baumann, Thomas Bruckschlegel, Anthony Tan, and then ... Nicolas Thibieroz.

I find this rather intriguing. A PowerVR employee contributed to 3DMark05 development. Which begs the questions of how he contributed, and what motivated him to do so. There are, as usual, mutliple possible explanations. Is this hope? ATM it feels like it is, but that may just be me.