Temporary online storage (free and anonymous)


Mord's imaginary friend
This will probably feel like spam but I'm really enthused by this.

Have you ever needed a shared space online to share notes, project files, images, sounds and whatever but always cringed at having to register an account and/or pay a fee and/or spend a lot of time configuring permissions?

Then check out http://drop.io

I've been using it for a couple of months to store my course exercises, notes, reading material for my students, etc. There's no account creation procedure so it resembles imageshack except it works for any type of file. (You can still setup an admin password so you can change permissions later on).

All you need to know is the URL (again, just like imageshack) so you should setup an access password but otherwise there's no search engine crawling, no accounts and no usernames.

Their framework will automatically treat certain types of files for more appropriate presentation. For instance it will create galleries if you upload images, it will create a special preview mode for PDFs, etc. as well as allowing you to download the files proper.

You can also upload new files to your drop (or anyone else if you setup the permissions as such) later on through the website, email, etc. You can even fax documents for free!

And you can setup your drop so it expires after a day, week, month or year later (you can renew it later on with your admin password).

You get 100mb free per drop. But since there's no accounts you can have as many drops as you wish! You can also buy premium drops (1gb) if you need to.

Since there's no registering and no accounts, it's completely anonymous. Again, people need to know the URL to your drop to specifically get there and you can always setup an access password.

I can't wait for these guys to hit big with ads and such because I really needed this service. While Windows Live Spaces or GMail can give you hosting space you need an account and have to setup user permissions and you always have to separate your private stuff from the files you want to share, etc. Nowadays I don't even use USB pens or email files. I simply create a new drop and point that person to the URL (+ access password). They can leave notes or add/remove files depending on how you setup your drop.

Have fun.