Teh power of useless wiki-trivia...

Guden Oden

Senior Member
I was browsing wikipedia the other day and started reading about the london underground for some reason (it was linked in some other article), and at the bottom of the main article is a collection of bits of useless trivia. One in particular struck me as particulary humorous, in an ironical kind of way...

"A fragrance called "Madeleine" was introduced at St James's Park, Euston and Piccadilly Circus stations on 23 March 2001, in an effort to make the tube smell better. It was taken out of action on 24 March 2001, as it was making people feel sick."

Do notice the dates mentioned. It took the people of london no more than ONE DAY to realize that they prefer the natural smell (or stink, as the case may be at times) of the underground, than artificial perfume... :LOL: I thought that was teh funney, just wanted to share it with all of you. :D
Would this be the same scent used in the Paris subways? If so, then I can certainly understand why it took one day to pull it. Give me the stench of urine anyday over that.