Taiwan Earthquakes Suck ;_;


I meant to post about this shortly after it happened, but I was too busy waiting for webpages to load. ;p I know I shouldn't complain when the only ill effect I've suffered from a pair of earthquakes is a slow internet connection, but, I just wondered if anyone else in the Pacific Rim was experiencing much improvement yet. I can do about 25 KB/s down (normally max out around 7-800 KB/s down) these days -- which I have to keep reminding myself is still much faster than dialup -- which is pretty surprising! I'm truly spoiled... but at least the net connection is back -- it was out (except for accessing Chinese sites) for about two days. The quake ruined 6 of 7 cables running from Taiwan to North America, as I understand it, and damaged the 7th. I wonder if some companies will rethin their internet topology after this? Only sites with their own, Chinese servers got hits during that period -- MSN & Google, for example, not Yahoo.
Pretty much all of australasia was hit too, to some extent due to traffic being redirected all over the place. Although it wasn't anywhere near as bad as those directly effected...
To my understanding, they are fixing the things as quick as possible. However, the priority is on voice services (i.e. telephone). Basically most telephone services are already up to normal, but data services will have to wait.
Thanks for the update! I certainly understand that my bittorrent speeds are not the highest priority ;)

Speaking of BT, though, we're downloading a TV show (legally!) at 224 KB/s! a new post-earthquake record! how fantastic! The bulk of this speed is coming from somewhere here in the East, according to WHOIS. and a few of the seeds are from the US and mexico -- decent speeds (up to 15 KB/s, not bad) from them too. Anyway. I hope others are experiencing improvements!