suburban teen prostitutes


Passenger on Serenity
sorry for the last minute post. But if your home (in the US) and can go watch oprah at 4(or whatever time it comes on for you). They are talking about the new trend in suburban teenage prostitution. Girls as young as 12/13 coming from a good family, becoming prostitutes (some even having pimps). Quite a sad story. im sure oprah will have a summary of the show on her website.

the slippery slope, keeps getting steeper.
Legion said:
yes, pad your daughter's ego or shell run away from home and become a prostitute... :rolleyes:
Im of the opinion that todays laxed morals is a major problem. Its quite pathetic to see how tv/magazines/... has made little girls think of themselves as sex machines at such an early age. I saw a news piece on tv a while back saying toy manufacturers were trying to target younger and younger kids as older kids were maturing too fast.

Does it really matter if they mature faster? (a dubious claim btw, I doubt the 60s was full of naive 12 year old flower children). IMO its the same as its always been.

But surely that doesn't make them prostitutes.

Prostitution is always the age old problem for Women of any age. Oodles of easy money, for potentially good sex and of course the attention of men (and the illusory power that comes with it).

Having said that, its also a fact that statistically most prostitutes were sexually assaulted as children. I don't know what that means necessarily, but take from it what you will.
Fred said:
Oodles of easy money, for potentially good sex and of course the attention of men (and the illusory power that comes with it).
The ones on oprah had pimps that took all their 'hard earned' money and bought them things for them. :rolleyes:

btw, I think porn can illustrate the point that peoples view have matured/changed(or whatever term you want to insert here) of sex over time. What was risque in the 60's was tame by the 70's,.... Its only natural to conclude that children have also had _some_ views change. One of the most interesting things is that BJ is now fair game at an incredibly young age.
Drinking, sex, violence, depression, suicide, school failure, harassment. These are the daily realities of life for many of today's young adolescents. In intimate conversations with middle school-aged adolescents across the country - from well-to-do suburbs, rural communities and big cities - the years from eleven to fourteen emerge as a difficult and dangerous time of transition.

Fred Im going to have to disagree with you on children maturing earlier than in previous generations.