some MS stuff from an insider [taken from gamescore blog]


Friday, February 17, 2006 6:24 PM by cesarmenendez

Impressive 360 Demos

Today's the last day of the Marketing Summit. The big presentations are over, and we've got side meetings (we call em "breakout sessions") today. Yesterday and Wednesday I saw some pretty impressive game demos. Sure, a lot of it was powerpoint decks, going over marketing messages, positioning, etc. But then the product managers got into the demos, and, to quote a teammate, "holy smokes"

We saw presentations about Gears of War; Too Human; Crackdown; Vanguard; Rise of Legends; Flight Sim; N3; Blue Dragon; Xbox Live Arcade games, the HD-DVD drive, and a bunch of other products/games I either can't remember or can't talk about. Some of the games/products had live demos, albeit I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say which ones. A couple times, the presentations/demos were interrupted by spontaneous applause and cheers. I walked away with the impression that we have a compelling lineup this year and beyond.

And I haven't seen any third party game demos. Those are super-secret and I couldn't get into the meeting room. . .

very interesting..
I want to know all about hd-dvd drive on x360. It will upscale low-res dvd movies to 1280x720p which is breeze.


Toshiba's new HD DVD players provide outstanding visual quality supported by leading-edge video compression technologies. To deliver a superior entertainment experience, the players include the capability to support Advanced Navigation, also referred to as "iHD," offering unique interactive features. Because the HD-XA1 and HD-A1 are backward compatible, users can continue to enjoy their libraries of current DVD and CD software. Both models connect to HDTV sets via a High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI(TM)) and output copy-protected HD content (through the HDMI output) in the native format of the HD DVD disc content of either 720p or 1080i. Standard definition DVDs can be upconverted for display at 720p or 1080i (through the HDMI output).

According to the latest edition of Official Xbox Magazine the Xbox 360 may get a new system blade which will enable gamers to view high definition TV programs via their next-generation console.
one said:
Isn't it possible on a normal Xbox 360 by software?
No, it's explicitly not allowed, mainly due to the analog output (480 is output). That said, since we don't know how the HD-DVD add-on will connect to a TV, we can't really say that it will upconvert.
one said:
Isn't it possible on a normal Xbox 360 by software?
It is easy to do on even the original Xbox though software, but MS doesn't provide the functionality themselves because the MPAA doesn't like people doing such things on unprotected outputs.

But studios have the option to make HD-DVDs only playable at full res when played over HDCP enabled outputs; so obviously MS will have to something to provide that in order to make the accessory viable, and upscaling DVD playaback will likely come along with that.
scooby_dooby said:
Just like I said, Vanguard: Saga of Heros is coming to the 360...despite it being explicitly denied by devs on their forum.

Not the prettiest game, but sounds like a really cool MMO

there is rumor about WoW as well but i really dont understand how they can launch all these MMORPGs and expect them to work fine. The most obvious thing is the 12Gig HD is lacking obviously for any added or downloaded content (only way addons would work on the 360). Itegrating 360 users and PC users on the same set of servers would be neat and certainly boost MMORPGs but i think it may be a bit costly on MS's part if they want it to become widespread. Obviously you cant charge $100-$150 for another hard drive in addition to the monthly fee and any cost of added content without looking like a jackass.

Basically i dont think anything is set in stone yet.
I wouldn't call GamerScore insiders, so much as paid marketing people. Look at the about section, all 5 people working on the site are high-ups in the marketing department.

GamerScoreBlog- About Section said:
Tony Hynes (Bastelyon), Online Community Lead Mgr, Xbox Global Mktg
Cesar Menendez (cesarisok), Online Community Mgr, Xbox Global Mktg
John Porcaro (stalalem), Group Mgr, PR & Communications, Xbox Global Mktg
Michael Wolf, PR Manager, Xbox Live and Games for Windows, Xbox Global Mktg
Josh Goldberg, Product Manager, Xbox Global Mktg

Take what you read there with a grain of salt, or at least realize that it's a marketing blog and the excitement for stuff is a bit embellished.
Bobbler said:
I wouldn't call GamerScore insiders, so much as paid marketing people. Look at the about section, all 5 people working on the site are high-ups in the marketing department.

Take what you read there with a grain of salt, or at least realize that it's a marketing blog and the excitement for stuff is a bit embellished.

Well at least they're being upfront about it.

Impressive 360 Demos

Today's the last day of the Marketing Summit. The big presentations are over, and we've got side meetings (we call em "breakout sessions") today.
Bobbler said:
I wouldn't call GamerScore insiders, so much as paid marketing people. Look at the about section, all 5 people working on the site are high-ups in the marketing department.

Take what you read there with a grain of salt, or at least realize that it's a marketing blog and the excitement for stuff is a bit embellished.

They dont claim to be anything but the marketing department. When the site launched it was essentially billed by them (and Major Nelson's site) as "the MajorNelson-type blog from the people in marketing dpartment." I think the PR department has one as well.
SugarCoat said:
there is rumor about WoW as well but i really dont understand how they can launch all these MMORPGs and expect them to work fine. The most obvious thing is the 12Gig HD is lacking obviously for any added or downloaded content (only way addons would work on the 360).

I don't see the problem, FFX1 was like 5gis installed with 2 expansions included. And I imagine most games won't need to be installed like FFXI which is a horrible implementation.

The 13 gb HDD should be fine for many games, I don't see why add-on packs would be greater than 1-2gb, so you would be fine for at least half a dozen MMO's at any one given time (how likely is that?) and if you did buy a bigger HDD, it wouldn't be for one game it would be for many games allowing you to play like 10mmo's at the same time.

If the games do need to be installed, not sure why the would, but if they do you still have room for 2 games at a time, and can redownload/reinstall anytime. I'm not really into MMO's but I would imagine people don't usually play more than a couple at a time.
scooby_dooby said:
I'm not really into MMO's but I would imagine people don't usually play more than a couple at a time.

Are there really people out there even playing more than one at a time?
expletive said:
Are there really people out there even playing more than one at a time?

lol, i kinda hope not! either way, the idea that you need to buy a bigger HDD to play an MMO is crazy. Maybe if you play 3 or 4 at a time, but if that's the case, you're one hardcore gamer and don't even come close representing most people.
aaaaa00 said:
Well at least they're being upfront about it.
expletive said:
They dont claim to be anything but the marketing department. When the site launched it was essentially billed by them (and Major Nelson's site) as "the MajorNelson-type blog from the people in marketing dpartment." I think the PR department has one as well.

I didn't claim they were being dishonest. I was just making sure others knew what the site was, as Griffith spun it as if they were some kind of special "insiders" doing us a favor -- Look at the topic title. It never hurts to know where the information is coming from.

I think the site is fine; they aren't hiding anything really, which means they can at least be taken as a source of some sort. But you have to take what they say for what it is. Same with Major Nelson's stuff. Same as any other PR... it doesn't mean whatever they say is bullshit, but you know how it is.
Bobbler said:
I didn't claim they were being dishonest. I was just making sure others knew what the site was, as Griffith spun it as if they were some kind of special "insiders" doing us a favor -- Look at the topic title. It never hurts to know where the information is coming from.

I think the site is fine; they aren't hiding anything really, which means they can at least be taken as a source of some sort. But you have to take what they say for what it is. Same with Major Nelson's stuff. Same as any other PR... it doesn't mean whatever they say is bullshit, but you know how it is.

Sorry I didnt mean to come across as defending them, jsut an aside on how they were open about it and how these blogs that are openly by internal MS departments seem to be all the rage these days.

I'd like to imagine we're really getting some unbiased insight here but considering it was a marketing meeting, the content is biased to begin with. So unbiased insight on biased content is still biased! ;) :)
scooby_dooby said:
lol, i kinda hope not! either way, the idea that you need to buy a bigger HDD to play an MMO is crazy. Maybe if you play 3 or 4 at a time, but if that's the case, you're one hardcore gamer and don't even come close representing most people.

Are console MMORPGs still subject to the de facto $14.95 a month or are they free? That fee alone would keep most people playing 1 or 2 concurrently at the most.
scooby_dooby said:
lol, i kinda hope not! either way, the idea that you need to buy a bigger HDD to play an MMO is crazy. Maybe if you play 3 or 4 at a time, but if that's the case, you're one hardcore gamer and don't even come close representing most people.

Something of note, as Vanguard and the HDD space issue were brought up:

Vanguard for the PC is currently quite sizeable (biggest game I've seen so far, in terms of how much HDD space it takes). It's bigger than a dual layer DVD. And by the time it's done I imagine it'll require more than that 13gb's the X360's HDD has on it (at least the PC version, maybe they'll do something for the console version to curtail such happenings?).

Hopefully they release bigger drives (60+gb please!).