Sex and Death


simple question this one.

Why doesn't erotisim translate well into interactive media (I'm talking mainstream title here so all you hentai boys can tone it down :p) in comparison to violence and carnage?

I imagine this may change next-next gen but what are the boards thoughts on this matter?
notAFanB said:
simple question this one.

Why doesn't erotisim translate well into interactive media (I'm talking mainstream title here so all you hentai boys can tone it down :p) in comparison to violence and carnage?

I imagine this may change next-next gen but what are the boards thoughts on this matter?

Well, though not very hc Leisure Suite Larry was pretty fun.

Concerning violence I pretty much agree with this:
Q: Why are video games so violent?
A: Actually, a great many games released every year are not violent at all. Many more contain the sort of playful violence you might find in Looney Tunes or a Disney movie. But let's be honest, there are plenty of extremely violent games on the market, some of them quite realistic. The reason is hard to pinpoint, but it probably stems from the idea that games should have some kind of character interaction. Usually this interaction takes place between the player and computer-controlled characters. Of the many types of interaction that can take place between characters, many of them are very difficult to model in computer language. Conversation, trading, etc. are currently not possible on a complex, satisfying level. Violence is relatively easy to model as a behavior, so it is a natural choice for character interaction. Another reason is that games are often used as a way to act out feelings and impulses that you can't act out in real life, and violence is an obvious candidate for this kind of vicarious action.
I was going to ask this as well. Most videogames since the FMV crash haven't dared to touch anything approaching PG-13 level as far as nudity and sexual themes go. Yet at the same time, the violence in many games make snuff movies look tame.

There were a couple games during the FMV craze that did approach mature content in a couple of ways, but they were still pretty few and far between. One that seems to be about the only R-rated game I can think of in those terms, was an unreleased game for Atari Jaguar CD, called American Hero. I found a link to it, but be warned that they aren't really censored:
We'll get more of it soon. As an industry gets bigger and older it will embrace more topics, and embrace them more meaningfully. (Rather than the sheer crassness and audacity of the likes of BMX XXX.) Remember this is an industry that started as ENTIRELY "kiddy" and the meat of the market in video gaming was there for a long time, and since in the US certainly sexual repression is pretty high, any attempts to lodge it into mainstream gaming would have erupted a firestorm.

In Japan you can notice it more, but the types of games where it would generally appear ("get-girl" games [not the hardcore Hentai titles alluded to in the first post] as well as anime-based titles where such things will appear) are not generally popular out West, and place where we DO find nudity and allusions get altered/omitted from our versions anyway. (Some RPG dialogue scenes have been scooped out, and having to "clothe" Sophitia from the Soul Blade intro CG are examples.) So overall we may not know how much we're MISSING, either. Heh...

The industry had gotten bigger and much older, though--and more importantly is RECOGNIZED ass such--so it's only a matter of time. Some more boundries will have to be tested and broken first, but it will filter in--both in stupid and well-used and completely average forms.
The industry had gotten bigger and much older, though--and more importantly is RECOGNIZED ass such--so it's only a matter of time. Some more boundries will have to be tested and broken first, but it will filter in--both in stupid and well-used and completely average forms.

I regonise this, but my question is how do we implement this in any meaningful manner?
Well, unless we're planning on creating a new development house specifically about pushing those boundries, we basically get to wait. ;) New concepts and takes and genres will be played with, as the market is much more diverse and developers KNOW this. They are always looking for new directions to forge to attract attention, even if the process seems stupidly slow. It's been a slow process for movies and television and books and everything else as well... Videogames are a much younger media in comparison and started from a much younger demographic.
the biggest barrier IMO could be retailers who don't want to carry titles with any hint of overt eroticism (see Walmart vs BMX XXX and DOAX)

we'll see how the new Larry will fare soon

Then again the target audiences wouldn't really be the ones randomly noticing the video games in Walmart for purchase. The only need are SOME retailers to carry it. The important part are for the games to actually be made, be marketed, and show some moderate success to built upon.
Give it time, i mean movies came out in like the early 1900s but we didn't see porn movies till deep throat in like the 70s. Anyway there are tons of porn games in japan but they haven't really made it over here. I think within 10-20 years there will be quite a few porn games for sale.
notAFanB said:
simple question this one.

Why doesn't erotisim translate well into interactive media (I'm talking mainstream title here so all you hentai boys can tone it down :p) in comparison to violence and carnage?

I imagine this may change next-next gen but what are the boards thoughts on this matter?

tell that to the myriads of japanese playing sexy beaches 2 and Des Blood.
Freak'n Big Panda said:
Give it time, i mean movies came out in like the early 1900s but we didn't see porn movies till deep throat in like the 70s. Anyway there are tons of porn games in japan but they haven't really made it over here. I think within 10-20 years there will be quite a few porn games for sale.

Last i heard Porn was one of the first things filmed on capture on film in the form of photos.
Freak'n Big Panda said:
Give it time, i mean movies came out in like the early 1900s but we didn't see porn movies till deep throat in like the 70s. Anyway there are tons of porn games in japan but they haven't really made it over here. I think within 10-20 years there will be quite a few porn games for sale.

There were ALOT more movies just as hardcore as Deep Throat, dating all the way back to the 1920s or so.. heck, I've seen a gay flick from the late 30s for that matter (yes, gay people seemed to exist back then).
Hehe, yeah Illusion Soft seems to do well for itself. Of course the "game" portions of their games seem to be rather awful (can't play any, but I've seen videos), so I guess it's good that they "compensate" elsewhere... ;)

Still, they can made some DAMN fine CG models.
cthellis42 said:
Then again the target audiences wouldn't really be the ones randomly noticing the video games in Walmart for purchase. The only need are SOME retailers to carry it. The important part are for the games to actually be made, be marketed, and show some moderate success to built upon.