rumblings of something huge going on with SEGA

Sorry, what does gobbled mean? :oops:

Sony and SEGA is very unlikely as well, it will be horrible for the console market. Sony will be #1 by a huge margin, a complete disaster. MS and SEGA does make sense so that MS can finally get a foot in the asian market, however i don't think SEGA will ever agree to anything like that, it will be considered treason o_O

I still cross my fingers for the two old schoolers, SEGA and NINTENDO :D
Not exactly SEGA teaming up with anyone, more like being gobbled by them.

SEGA is the best games company ever.
Over the years it has been great.
Never underestimate the power of you enemy.
Yesterday was a long time ago indeed, but now the future comes.

Sonic knows! :!:
I could'nt see Sega with Sony exclusively. Sega's big quality games have done great on GCN and GBA whereas Sony fans haved not really supported Sega all that well (save for VF) and a couple of sports games. I mean Monkey Ball and Sonic would'nt put up the numbers on PS2 like it did with GCN imo.

And although alot of XB fans are in the 'older gamer' demographic..they are'nt neccessarily the 'older gamer' that have been gaming a long time like the older demographic of the GCN. I see alot of 20 to 30 somethings playing XB but they are relatively new to gaming and or just started the passed few years. Whereas there is no denying that GCN has the younger demographic rapped up this gen, I see alot of older gamers in thier 20s, 30's and even 40's that remember the old glory days of Sonic and Sega and grew up with games. That's why I think Sega has found a big following with the GCN over the other two consoles. And that's why I think Sega and Nintendo would/should partner in the future.
Goldni said:
I could'nt see Sega with Sony exclusively. Sega's big quality games have done great on GCN and GBA whereas Sony fans haved not really supported Sega all that well (save for VF) and a couple of sports games. I mean Monkey Ball and Sonic would'nt put up the numbers on PS2 like it did with GCN imo.

And although alot of XB fans are in the 'older gamer' demographic..they are'nt neccessarily the 'older gamer' that have been gaming a long time like the older demographic of the GCN. I see alot of 20 to 30 somethings playing XB but they are relatively new to gaming and or just started the passed few years. Whereas there is no denying that GCN has the younger demographic rapped up this gen, I see alot of older gamers in thier 20s, 30's and even 40's that remember the old glory days of Sonic and Sega and grew up with games. That's why I think Sega has found a big following with the GCN over the other two consoles. And that's why I think Sega and Nintendo would/should partner in the future.

this would be financial suicide. nintendo is on the verge of dying as a console company itself...well not dying, but certainly not strong in any sense. microsoft would be a better choice for their huge capital and desire to attain more market shar, but I agree with Sonic. sony would be the smartest move from a finance situation. btw, sonic, what is your affiliation with sega?
Megadrive1988 said:

Did Sammy splash out half a billion dollars just for arcade floor space? No!

By the way this statement is inaccurate since that Sammy clearly stated that Sega should concentrate its efforts on the arcade market... because that's where they were doing profit. So claiming a Big "No!" about the fact that the arcade area interest Sammy is kind of strange.

I hope that the fanbo*ys won't pull out a "Megaton", and then insult sega because they(sega) didn't do what....they didn't say they were going to do. :LOL:
Megadrive1988 said:


Sonic said:
Never underestimate the power of you enemy.
Yesterday was a long time ago indeed, but now the future comes.

A long time ago, it sound like the Nintendo/Sega era...

or maybe it was older than that....

Sega has been gobbled by Atari?


Edit: if it's Sony like you said Megadrive then, Sony will have all the cards to be the King of the Hill for the next round.
jvd said:
why should it be sony .

That would be the worse move.

I don't want sony to gain anymore market share. I want them to loose market share and ms and nintendo gain market share so that unlike on my desktop i have choices and don't have to just buy a sony if i want to play video games in my living room .

Points of view.

By that logic I think MS would be the worst choice ever. They make billions over an operating system that has a monopoly on PC hardware. If they succeded in conquering the home console market too (or getting in a position to seriously damage the other two competitors), that would destroy any possible competition and put them in a position to control directly or influence every kind of digital content in the future. No thanks.

If Sega had to be acquired by someone, I really hope it is Sony or Nintendo.
I would hate for Sega to be Sony-exclusive. Sega doesnt like Sony hardware. Sega likes Gamecube and Xbox. I'd rather Sega go with MS or Nintendo. Sony must have offered Sega a deal they could not refuse....
I don't understand how this a a comeback to the hardware arena though (as announced in the original article). Will Sega and Sony develop PS3 or what? Either way, it's horrible :cry:
Ok, that was a joke. Sony didn't buy SEGA. There will be a big announcement and it may regard hardware, but don't look for it to be in the home just yet. Just kidding. Just don't get your hopes up. There are alot of rumors out there that are completely false and some that are dead on. But themost extreme ones are the ones you should take wiht a grain of salt.
Do you remember what happened with everyone knowing NV40 and not being allowed to speak about it. That was when those people were under NDA. I am under something similar but it is much closer to company policy in not being able to directly talk about these things. Indirect is another matter all together, but I will spoil the surpise(s) for the people on this board. Some will be dissapointed with what they wanted, others will be glad they were wrong.