RD600 takes up the OCing challenge


Mostly Harmless

The first slide reads quite a bit like NV's nforce 590 advancements, tho possibly not quite as n00b friendly absent certification/bios support to ship OCed from the OEM? I wonder if it will support "SLI memory"? :smile:

The second slide has some roadmappery, including on future IGP parts. . .
Heh, just wanted to post this :) got it from HKEPC, though.

This bit is interesting:
Furthermore, it has 48 PCI-E Lanes and supports for 3 PCI-E slots, 2 for CrossFire and 1 for Physics Acceleration.
serenity said:
Folks from hkepc have the scoop.


Wow, picking up physics co-processors went even faster than I thought! I didn't think ageia would get company that quickly!

Suspect that Nvidia will follow soon, perhaps in co-operation with ageia. It's obvious that there are big advantages when the physics coprocessor has close links to the graphics processors.
serenity said:
Folks from hkepc have the scoop.


Whoa, hkepc is doing english pieces now? When did that happen? :oops:

ASM (ATI System Management) seems to be their "nTune".

This auto-OCing stuff for own-viddy cards by both IHVs now is one more nail in VIA & SiS coffins, I think. . .
No special reason, it'll just do what people do anyway but a bit more comfortably. In a sense, I wouldn't call it a feature at all, it's nothing but a BIOS hack. EDIT: besides working only with their own cards, respectably.

The enthusiasts bunch will find it rather annoying methinks, since they won't let ATI and nV tinker with their holy settings ;)
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This just overclocks the PCI-E bus, and not the video card, correct? Therfore giving it the extra BW needed for Crossfire with no dongle (or whatever it called).