Question: V5 and SBLive in nForce2


Due to an unexpected flood in the cash tide I'm contemplating an interim upgrade. I'd then probably go for the Asus A7N8X-X motherboard, which I believe is based on the single channel value edition of the nForce2. Now, I have two questions.

1: I know that you can't use a Voodoo 5 in a P4 motherboard due to AGP versions. What about the nForce2, is it the same problem there? (Note: I have a Radeon 9600 Pro right now, but for various obscure reasons I might at a later date want to plug in my V5 instead.)

2: Provided that the MB does not have the Soundstorm sound (just the ubiquitous AC97 5.1), is there any reason why I should not use my SBLive?

Thanks in advance
horvendile said:
Due to an unexpected flood in the cash tide I'm contemplating an interim upgrade. I'd then probably go for the Asus A7N8X-X motherboard, which I believe is based on the single channel value edition of the nForce2. Now, I have two questions.

1: I know that you can't use a Voodoo 5 in a P4 motherboard due to AGP versions. What about the nForce2, is it the same problem there? (Note: I have a Radeon 9600 Pro right now, but for various obscure reasons I might at a later date want to plug in my V5 instead.)

The V5 won't work. It needs 3.3 volt signalling, the Nforce 2 motherboards are only compatible with the newer 1.5 volt signalling.

horvendile said:
2: Provided that the MB does not have the Soundstorm sound (just the ubiquitous AC97 5.1), is there any reason why I should not use my SBLive?

Thanks in advance

Because Creative's drivers are terrible? AFAICR, this board has Soundstorm, so you might want to try with that first. It's at least as good as the SBLives.

You can check the spec at the Asus website, and download the manuals if you want to check the details.
BZB that board DOESN'T have the MCP-T - only the MCP - hence no soundstorm. From my 'home' forum I haven''t heard of any SBLive problems..... BZB is right about the AGP card though....

Any specific reasons you want to go for that board? I'd rate a A7N8X-Deluxe or a Abit NF7-S Ver. 2 over that any day of the week.

Make sure you have decent memory and a decent power supply before you switch to a NF2 board - and by decent power supply I am not referring to the 'power rating' (as that is ##### most of the time) but rather the load on the +12V rail - should be at least 18A minimum to ensure stability.

If you need help come visit (probably) the largest nForce community on the 'net - including the home of the nForce driver guys and beta testing team - at
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
The V5 won't work. It needs 3.3 volt signalling, the Nforce 2 motherboards are only compatible with the newer 1.5 volt signalling.

I suspected as much. Oh well.
On the plus side, that means that I can wall mount my V5 beneath my monstrous SBAWE32 earlier than if I had had a use for it.
jimbob0i0 said:
Any specific reasons you want to go for that board? I'd rate a A7N8X-Deluxe or a Abit NF7-S Ver. 2 over that any day of the week.

Depends what you mean. My reasons were:
a) Cost. Even though the Abit card is significantly cheaper than I thought it is still more expensive than the A7N8X-X, and this was to be a really cheap upgrade. Soundstorm might be worth the extra cost though.
b) Experience and/or superstition. Abit has never worked very well for me (ranging from incompatibilities to just weird behaviour), but Asus has been trouble free.
c) Since this was to be a cheap upgrade I won't be getting the 1 Gb of RAM I'd really like. Rahter it'll be 512 Mb. That would amount to two 256 Mb sticks if I went for dual channel, which both would feel kind of silly and, to my knowledge, limit further memory upgrades. With the A7N8X-X I can just buy a 512 Mb stick and still have plenty of room.

c) warrants another question, however. Do any of you guys know whether the dual channel nForce2 in single channel mode is any slower than the single channel value version?

Make sure you have decent memory and a decent power supply before you switch to a NF2 board - and by decent power supply I am not referring to the 'power rating' (as that is ##### most of the time) but rather the load on the +12V rail - should be at least 18A minimum to ensure stability.

Admittedly I have no idea what I have. I can only hope that it'll be written somewhere on the PSU where I can see it when I open my computer.

Mind you, I haven't decided anything yet. I might still discover that I shan't upgrade at all, or discover that my PSU doesn't cut it, get irritated, and just buy a new case, PSU and an Athlon64 3000+. We'll see!