PSX2 and Xbox Linux benchmark...

DeadmeatGA said:

P4/3000 (512m rdram) 4297038.5 192.1
x-box (P3/733) 1507918.6 67.4
P3/733 (133FSB,PC100 SDRAM) 1406800.0 62.9
R5900/294 (Sony Playstation 2 Linux) 430361.2 19.2
What's surprising here is that Xbox's "Celeron" actually outran the PC version of Pentium3.

Well first off, the Xbox has a faster memory bus, that P3 was only using PC100 ram. Secondly, there's no mention anywhere of the PS2 using VU optimizations.

I wish I could find the link, but there was an article on a university research website about clustering PS2s, and benchmarked the systems with and without VU.. with VU, the performance was like 4x as fast.

Also, you omitted this score, whatever it means:
R5900/294 (Sony Playstation 2 Linux -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer) 454782.2 20.3

Somehow I find it hard to believe that a K6 233 is faster than the PS2 heh. It's a shame there's no documentation whatsoever wrt the benchmark, what it does, what it stresses, etc.
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DeadmeatGA said:
Secondly, there's no mention anywhere of the PS2 using VU optimizations.
Since when does CPU benchmark run on VUs????

Somehow I find it hard to believe that a K6 233 is faster than the PS2 heh.
Of course it is faster. Anything is faster than EE.

um no . The k6 233 would get killed. even a k3 500 would be killed by the ee. Mabye this tests the interger. I remember the interger on the k6's to be leaps and bounds better than the pentiums of the time.
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jvd said:
um no . The k6 233 would get killed. even a k3 500 would be killed by the ee. Mabye this tests the interger. I remember the interger on the k6's to be leaps and bounds better than the pentiums of the time.

Not in dhrystone which is a strict integer benchmark. The R5900 in the PS2 is a static in order execution dual superscalar CPU. If anything it's comparable to a pentium @ 300 MHz (note: not P-2 or P-Pro).

Floats are a different matter all together.

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Gubbi said:
jvd said:
um no . The k6 233 would get killed. even a k3 500 would be killed by the ee. Mabye this tests the interger. I remember the interger on the k6's to be leaps and bounds better than the pentiums of the time.

Not in dhrystone which is a strict integer benchmark. The R5900 in the PS2 is a static in order execution dual superscalar CPU. If anything it's comparable to a pentium @ 300 MHz (note: not P-2 or P-Pro).

Floats are a different matter all together.


Yeah thats what I thought. The EE is a media CPU where integer isn't really all that important. If the benchmark was floats (with VU optimization) it'd fare much much much better.
I don't think the issue is floats vs. integers. Even if the VUs supported integer data types, it would probably have only a minimal impact on this kind of benchmark. PS2 does not have any kind of advanced instruction decoder/scheduler so it would basically chug through something like this. Remember PS2 was designed to run highly optimized 3D games, not run a spreadsheet.
What in the world was the point of this? I can understand Deadmeat's previous posting's in this "series" had some merit but this is bordering on pure trolling.
He's just (desperately) trying to "prove" that EE is a slow chip like he's said in a lot of posts here recently.

Linux benches are pointless, since neither bench is likely to be particulary optimized for either platform (not to mention, hardly presents a workload similar to the games these things runs under ordinary circumstances), yet that won't stop someone like Dead of course...

G3/400 (1M L2) 974083.9 43.6

How close is the above CPU to GC's Gekko CPU?

Am I right in thinking that the above CPU had a 66mhz FSB and half speed L2 cache.
Come on now. Drystone? :rolleyes:

I'm curious as to some Whetstone scores. Thought I had seen some in the past. Anyone got a link?
akira888 said:
What in the world was the point of this? I can understand Deadmeat's previous posting's in this "series" had some merit but this is bordering on pure trolling.

Well, let's just say that for someone with such an unresented hatred for SCE, DM seems awfully interested in what they do. i mean there must be more than 5 threads about PS3, Cell and all that started by himself here....
london-boy said:
Well, let's just say that for someone with such an unresented hatred for SCE, DM seems awfully interested in what they do. i mean there must be more than 5 threads about PS3, Cell and all that started by himself here....

SCE do not need any more hype, haters hype even more. Ha ha !

The next Linux benchmark I will be interested to read will be for GBA and Sony CLIE. :LOL:
Well, someone turned a GBA into a Linux webserver I saw somewhere on the web... Just keep holding your breath a little longer, DM's preparing a comparison as I'm typing this. He'll be able to extract early PSP and PS3 performance from embedded RAM performance of GBAs CPU as well, that should be really interesting! ;)

just checked, these are the threads of DeadMeat:

1 - PSX2 and Xbox Linux benchmark...
DeadmeatGA 423 Mon Sep 01, 2003 12:55 pm

2 - Why does each CELL core pack 8 VUs????
DeadmeatGA 830 Mon Sep 01, 2003 12:53 pm

3 - Kutaragi Ken interview on PSP
DeadmeatGA 472 Mon Sep 01, 2003 12:38 pm

4 - Toshiba's 65 nm fab capabilities...
DeadmeatGA 149 Mon Sep 01, 2003 12:29 pm

5 - Interesting article on CPU transistor usage at Ace's hardwar
DeadmeatGA 695 Sun Aug 31, 2003 10:14 am

6 - DM's 65 nm transistor density analysis based on Sony EE data
DeadmeatGA 1909 Sun Aug 31, 2003 6:03 am

ALL OF THEM have negative remarks of some kind and have been created with the only purpose to knock SCE down and to create flame wars thanx to the attraction of Sony and MS fannies. personally i kept out of all of them, but the amount of trolling in those very threads is not even funny... without going into the fact that no one bothered to do something about this, i was thinking ... "then they say this is a Sony-centered board..."
And all those threads in two days :oops:
His posts are even quite lenghty! It's almost as if he's doing it for work.
london-boy said:

ALL OF THEM have negative remarks of some kind ..."

Yes, it's nice to have someone put up critical questions instead of sucking up FUD / hype / marketing smoke and mirrors.

yeah... well there are ways to get your point through, and sometimes he can stand out as a troll. thats it. i don't really care, and some of the articles he finds are actually pretty interesting...
posting "oohhhh cell will be 1Tflop of goodness" is boring, posting "ooooohhhhh Cell will certainly fail" is just as yawn...