Obviously. The capture source of the Halo 2 presentation was a camera and the fact it being 30 fps at the very maximum is strickingly obvious. Not only that, but I am almost 99% certain that the developers had already confirmed the framerate before going on showing at E3. If you weren't able to spot the difference, good for you - although I find that very unlikely, given the slow pace action of the xbox shooter that make it more than obvious.
Nice post, though I don't quite see Paul being the real issue here, despite him arguing that Xbox's limiting factor is bandwidth. I think the point was rather to urge the people constantly bringing up image quality as an annoyance on PS2 to realize that Xbox has an annoyance of equal gravity in regards to framerate. Just as you say, framerate, image quality as well as anything in-game related are often the result of clever (or not) design choices - design choices that are made with the hardwares given limits and advantages. To say PS2 can't do good IQ is as ignorant as saying Xbox can't substain a constant 60 framerate.
Qroach said:That would be true only if the capture source was a camera of some sort. Like say you went to E3 and recorded footage of a game with your camcorder directly off a montior. If the montior was displaying 60 frames persecond, or even 30 for tha tmatter you'll probably notice motion blur on your video tape.
If a game outputs it's own video clip (which is very easy to make on xbox) you won't get motion blur between the frames at all. it will just drop those extra frames when it outputs each frame to the video clip compressor.
Anyway, no matter what you do, you're still only seeing 30 frames per second on these video clips taken directly from games. Judging the framerate of a game (unless it dips below 30 is pretty much impossible) with a video clip.
Obviously. The capture source of the Halo 2 presentation was a camera and the fact it being 30 fps at the very maximum is strickingly obvious. Not only that, but I am almost 99% certain that the developers had already confirmed the framerate before going on showing at E3. If you weren't able to spot the difference, good for you - although I find that very unlikely, given the slow pace action of the xbox shooter that make it more than obvious.
Qroach said:Ok, I think the majority of us can agree that what Paul said about bandiwdth being limited on xbox compared to PS2, and bandwidth being the reason many games run at 30 frames persecond simply isn't true.
Regarding the 30 fps nonsense, you can find games on both platforms that are 30 or 60 fps. Both plat forms have their fair share of these games, and it's always a design consideration by the developer on what they want to achieve. it certainly isn't some sort of fault of the hardware.
As Simon and others have noted, there are many advantages and disadvantages to both architectures, and you can't claim one to be a big winner over the other in badwidth due to the platforms being so different. Arguing with numbers doesn't tell you how that bandwidth (high banwidth on ps2 needed to upload textures on the fly, and xbox having reach texture caches and lot's of system memory.) is being used.
Not only that, many PS2 games as simon noted run in lower resoloutions then other consoles, so it's not always a apples to apples comparrison. Something also has to be said for visual quality in the argument. Anyway I think all that need to be said, has been said on this topic. If paul can't see how he was wrong in his comments, then there's no point in arguing further...
Nice post, though I don't quite see Paul being the real issue here, despite him arguing that Xbox's limiting factor is bandwidth. I think the point was rather to urge the people constantly bringing up image quality as an annoyance on PS2 to realize that Xbox has an annoyance of equal gravity in regards to framerate. Just as you say, framerate, image quality as well as anything in-game related are often the result of clever (or not) design choices - design choices that are made with the hardwares given limits and advantages. To say PS2 can't do good IQ is as ignorant as saying Xbox can't substain a constant 60 framerate.