Project Awakening

Certainly looks interesting.

Cygames have been almost solely a Mobile games developer although they've dipped their toes into the console and PC space in the past few years. 1 game on VITA and Steam. 1 game on PS4 and Steam. 1 game PSVR (JP only). 1 Steam game that was a mobile port. And about a bajillion mobile games.

This looks to be their most ambitious title to date by far. Going by past releases, it's likely coming to PC at some point as well if not at release. No publisher has been announced yet. I'm sure if Sony were publishing it, they would have announced that during their event.

Wish them luck as this looks promising.

This is the most exciting trailer since a long time. Is this a monster hunter game by any chance :runaway:

I read that it is unclear which system/generation it is developed for.
Looks like another early announcement for a game that will never come out.

The project was announced in 2016. This is the first public showing. I'm excited about it. interesting to see Cygames spending their mobile cash on core games like this and the Gran Blue Fantasy console game Platinum is working on.