Prince Of Persia 5 Screenshots


i have a monster





xbx screens and nice AA'd 8)
Certainly xbox as it was demoed on that at E3. Why roll eyes at AA'd shots when you don't do the same for PS2 games doing the same thing? It's not hard to tke a hig res shot of something on a devkit if you really want to.
They remind me of the Ninja Gaiden pre-release shots (or about any game publicity shots, on any console).
They were super AA'd too, but the final game didn't look too much different, except for the lower resolution and not being as sharp.

Come on guys, this AA-highrez issue has been proven and discussed thousands of times. It's already a commonly accepted fact.
Let's end it here, shall we (please).
Thoses Prince of Persia 2 (WT) shots have been released as "PS2 Screenshots", IIRC.
Qroach said:
Certainly xbox as it was demoed on that at E3. Why roll eyes at AA'd shots when you don't do the same for PS2 games doing the same thing? It's not hard to tke a hig res shot of something on a devkit if you really want to.

HUH!?!?! I always :rolleyes: when i see PR AAed shots. Where does the PS2 thing come from?!?! Sheesh... In fact, i was rolling my eyes assuming they were PC shots, like i :rolleyes: at every PR shot ever since The Getaway. Get a grip.
Qroach said:
well if that's the case then :rolleyes: at london boy.

What's your childhood trauma?! Get a grip!

You got it all wrong mate... The shots are perfectly AAed, they are 800x600 resolution and they are promoted as PS2 shots. Why shouldn't i :rolleyes: ??? Even if they were Xbox or GC shots i would :rolleyes: ...

And seen how POP on PC had a bug (AA not working or something), and these shots are at least 8xAAed, i will :rolleyes: even if they are PC shots! So there!
Another common knowledge thing:

A game that is to be released on multiple platforms (multiplatform game), often has a set of screenshots released prior to games launch by the publisher.

These screenshots are taken form the 'best possible source', be it a PS2 developer station, GameCube developer station, xbox devstation, or even a pre-rendered "conseptual art representing gameplay" done on a 3D graphics software like 3D Studio, Maya...

Magazines and Internet gaming sites then take these screenshots, and print them as "PS2 game screen", "xbox game screen"... or "Game screen"... depending on the publication (is it a PS2 mag/site, xbox mag/site etc...)

These screenshots are for that cause not accurate in representing how the game looks like in any one console.

The same rule can be applied to so called "exclusive" or single platform games. They are usually devkit shots.

In fact, i was rolling my eyes assuming they were PC shots, like i at every PR shot ever since The Getaway.
Jeez, don't be such a spaz... btw, why would you roll eyes at a PC AA'ed screen shot when it's perfectly possible to have a game look like that on PC?
it does remind of the arcade screenshots on the back of c64 and amiga game boxes. or amiga screenshots on the back of C64 gameboxes.

those where the days ;)
Qroach said:

Jeez, don't be such a spaz... btw, why would you roll eyes at a PC AA'ed screen shot when it's perfectly possible to have a game look like that on PC?

Because, as i said:
I said:
And seen how POP on PC had a bug (AA not working or something), and these shots are at least 8xAAed, i will :rolleyes: even if they are PC shots! So there!

Roach guy, i won the argument. Don't let me call security. They'll spray you good and proper.

Sorry, OT, but i just thought about something.... Cock-Roach....... :oops: :LOL: SORRY couldn't resist!!!! I will go away now. goodbye.
And seen how POP on PC had a bug (AA not working or something), and these shots are at least 8xAAed, i will even if they are PC shots! So there!

So what if the first game had a bug, as if something like that couldn't be fixed for a new game... You're not making sense. like i said before, don't be such a spaz.