Painkiller: Hell and Damnation (Original PK + BOoH remake)

I think Painkiller was the first game I played that had HUGE bosses. I remember thinking "WTF! How am I supposed to kill that SOB!?!"

What a great game.
Have there ever been any more games since with Painkiller-sized bosses? I don't remember any. :LOL:

Original PK had like 15+ story building-sized bosses. Pretty crazy!
Two console games fit the bill. Shadow of the Colossus is entirely based around killing huge bosses, and Transformers(2005, not to be confused with Transformers: The Movie, both on PS2) has you fight a transformer that is also an aircraft carrier.

It is without a shadow of a doubt the single biggest boss I've ever seen in a video game.
It is without a shadow of a doubt the single biggest boss I've ever seen in a video game.
Yeah, well, now that you mention aircraft carrier, it reminds me of the 2nd, or maybe 3rd level of R-Type, where the whole level was just one big boss that you navigated around, blowing up bit by bit. Of course, it's hard to nail the scale down in a hand-pixelled 16-bit era SHMUP though since we've nothing to relate the size of the objects shown on the screen to. If we imagine that the R-9 spaceship is about the size of a current-era fighter aircraft, IE ~15m length, then both bosses are roughly in the same ballpark. If the R-9 is bigger than a fighter jet then the boss would also grow, of course...

Way nerdy topic to be discussing, eh! :LOL:
It had four acts I believe with about 4-5 levels per act or somesuch. Some of the levels weren't accessible on the lower difficulty levels, though.

Maybe they'll release more levels as DLC later... *shrug*
PK:HaD is live now. Downloading it at the moment.

I had a look at the beta, and it looked very similar to the original game. Or, the first level did anyway, that's all I played. Of course, the first level is very dark, and far from the visually most impressive level. There also was no videos included, so no idea if they updated the (pretty crap, even for the time) visuals and animations there.

The painkiller weapon (the spinning scythe thing) wasn't present in the game anymore and was replaced with a new weapon that while more powerful (or so it felt anyway), it was no longer possible to juggle enemies for sport (and bonus gold!) So, a give and a take in all. I'm uncertain of the rationale behind changing the iconic melee weapon, I'm kind of like, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And the PK wasn't broke, IMO.

...And here's an open invitation to Davros to come into the thread again to remark that the entirety of the original PK game wasn't broke, so no need to fix/change it... :LOL:
Hurr, no mention of the stake launcher(s)? :D

Also, the badassest-looking minigun in any game so far. That it doubles as a rocket launcher as well is just cake on top, really...
I can only agree with all of you above :D

Pure fun running around and pinning various monsters to walls in fashionable manner :p