overclock3Ghz->4gz (1.8->2.6 Ghz ) normal cpu voltages


Stock winchester core 3Ghz to 4 Ghz on an MSI neo2 p3p motherboard. Ran Prime 95 stable for 18 hrs torture test before i stopped it. i need to get a better psu. 12/3 v rail is not clean. I am sure i can push fsb to 300
Using 2 sticks of G. Skill (PC 4800- rated 600 mhz ddr TCCD samsung hand picked ram) pips even an athlon fx 53/55. Not bad for a 100 quid cpu.







Nice overclock though quite confusing to read until I came to the conclusion that by 3GHz you mean a 3000 rating. That really needs to be corrected or the EEs will have you drawn and quartered before you can say IPC.

I used to overclock a little. Mainly for fun. Now I run at stock because there are such diminishing returns to overlclocking. You end up spending the money on over-rated RAM and PSUs and whatnots to make it work. In the end it comes out the same as ponying up the extra cash for the CPU and then you have the manufacturer's guarantee that it will work and continue working (nothing is worse than thinking you shaved off a few minutes on computation by overclocking only to have the system unexpectedly fail, causing you to spend 3 hours on what would have been a 2 hour job at stock/safe speeds).

Still, nice to see the Athlon 64s doing so well on air (although I doubt much more can be squeezed out with water cooling)..

That CPU cooler looks interesting. Very 'BTX' looking. Can it be used in a silent configuration to give better than average cooling at low noise? I'm all for directional cooling and letting the fans work in unison instead of fighting each other. More info on the HSF would be appreciated.
With all due respect towards your freezer thingy, but the XP90 will be as quiet as the fan you strap to it... You can choose that yourself you know.

I'd go for the XP120 myself, then strap an YS Tech 38*120mm 125CFM fan to it and run the fan at 5V. Very high airflow yet very low noise level. :p
The advantage of the cooler shown in the thread is that it doesn't blow air top-down. As good as Zalman 7000s and Thermalright Xp90s/120s are, the fact that the fan exhaust is more or less omnidirectional is not very good. With this more ducted type of cooling you can quickly eject the air that went through the fan blades instead of shooting it out in the case like hot lava from a volcano.

The setup pictured is not perfect in how I would like it. An enclosed air tunnel would be about right. Some Silverstone case cas a type of canopy for this. Air being pulled into the tunnel from the fron of the enclosure, passing through the tunnel and over the CPU cooler and immediately ejected out the rear. If you had something similar for your video adapter you would have ver little need for any other cooling in the enclosure as these two thermal centers would not spread and interact the way they do now.