Orton: ATI to accelerate mergers and acquisitions in 2006


Props to DailyTech for picking up this Reuters article. It reveals some details on ATI's typical acquisition strategy in recent years and the focus on consumer electronics, as well as Orton's desire to improve gross margins.

Reuters said:
..."Even though we are looking to accelerate (mergers and acquisitions), we are also looking to make sure we are prudent about it," CEO Dave Orton said in an interview ahead of the company's annual general meeting in Toronto.

"We've got an active funnel, but there's nothing major pending..."
Is Orton just being bullish ahead of the AGM in light of nVIDIA's ULi acquisition or is this possibily a prelude to a high-profile takeover, notwithstanding his assurances to the contrary? :p
BrynS said:
Is Orton just being bullish ahead of the AGM in light of nVIDIA's ULi acquisition or is this possibily a prelude to a high-profile takeover, notwithstanding his assurances to the contrary? :p

I'm not sure he'd consider ULi a major aquisition.
Well one year ago Orton said something close and nothing hapened.

I posted on that forum last year that ATI should by ULI and Nvidia did it 11 months later....
ATi has brought in house or signed major technology partnerships with some significant techology partners in the last 2 years.
PatrickL said:
Well one year ago Orton said something close and nothing hapened.

Actually, after Orton said that, they bought several tech firms in the Cable Modem / Cable Set-Top arena.