Oklahoma City Bombing

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Seeing that the WTC 7 topic has changed course, I figured I'd start an OKC bombing appreciation thread (appreciation for the truth, not the horrors of what happened):

This lady uncovered the middle-east connection

Multiple witnesses reported hearing more than one explosion the day the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was bombed, while other explosives experts contend that the damage done to the building could not have been caused by a single bomb placed outside in a truck.

Nevertheless, the accounts cast doubt on the federal government's insistence that a single ANFO -- ammonium nitrate and fuel oil -- bomb, driven to the front of the Murrah building by convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh and, witnesses say, at least one other person, caused all of the damage.


More than one eyewitness and police report from the scene, shortly after the blast, mentioned “unexploded bombsâ€￾, which were being defused by police, in the hopes that they would provide information as to what kind of bombs had been employed, and who might have built or planted them.
Less than a day later, these reports were denied, and have not been heard again.
I smell cover up

WARNING!!! YOU MUST READ THIS!!! Klaxon, the internet Chicken Little, raises the alarm for each and every paranoid conspiracy theory, Federal Big-Brother scheme, internet hoax, and latest computer virus. No black helicopter alert is so ludicrous, no urban legend so implausible, that he will not pass it along as accepted fact (in ALL CAPS with multiple exclamation marks). Congratulations, you are recipient 16,747 of today's Urban Myth. CAUTION: Often Klaxon knowingly posts false alarms to foment mischief.

Seriously grow the f*** up...no one believes you.
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