OK, I just gotta know


what does "WRT" stand for?

I see it used a lot on this forum, particularly by people not in the US, some kind of slang or acronym?
Most common:
WRT With Regard To
WRT Wallace Roberts & Todd
WRT Walter Reade Theater
WRT Warrior River Terminal Company
WRT Wastewater Retention Tank
WRT Water Round Torpedo
WRT Wealth Replacement Trust
WRT Westchester Reform Temple
WRT Wildlife Rehabilitation Today (magazine)
WRT With Respect To
WRT World Roofing Technologies (South Africa)
WRT Writer's Round Table
WRT Wrought

I use www.acronymfinder.com from time to time. Its a great website. ;)

The one that drove me crazy for a long time in chats was "afk". Turned out to be "away from keyboard". Oh, and GMTA (great minds think alike).
Well, I just read as it's easiest interpreted in Swedish, namely "I anal", which translated basically means "in the ass".

But, IANAL = I am not a lawyer.
PLEASE, PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE can anyone tell me what FUD means????????

It's just too much, i can't take it anymore,i don't get it, i tried and i tried, but i just can't figure it out... :oops: :|