Nokia N80

London Geezer

Hey guys!

Orange are giving me this phone for free as an upgrade and it looks really sweet! I wanna stay with Nokia cause i'm just so used to them it could take a lobotomy to get used to another company.

Also, i heard a lot of reports about the crap battery life of the N80 and also how it's a bit on the slow side. To be honest, i've had a 7610 for the last year or so and it's the slowest thing i've put my hands on since the advent of phones, and the battery life is also a bit crap, having to charge it at least every 2 days.

So, i think that in the end it's not such a big deal if the N80 has short battery life and is a bit slow, as i've been so used to it for the last year i'll hardly notice.

Does anyone here have the N80? I think i'll go for it but it would be nice to hear from someone who has it...
I also had my eyes on the 6280 but i'm a geek and the N80 is hard to resist for me, especially as it's free (and with a new fabulous service plan thrown in too!)

I have the N80, the screen is GORGEOUS!!1! It's not a small phone by all means (but you know what they say... small phone = small ;)), it's quite thick. But I'm used to the 6600 which was also quite chunky.

Battery life? I dunno I put mine on charge every evening as a matter of habit. On the occasions I haven't charged it for a few days it still had a couple of bars left. It seems to go into a deeper sleep than my old 6600 (the screen turns off completely), though that's not to say it takes longer to wake up.

Did I mention the screen? It's much higher resolution than the other Norkia offerings, which makes browsing the web quite a pleasure, even with very small font sizes. It has a fancy new navigation mode too, much more like a mouse pointer and scrolling window than their previous phones.

It's gadget central too, it's got bloody 802.11g Wi-fi FFS! (which given it's competence as a web-browser / e-mail client isn't as useless as it might sound). I keeping meaning to play try to connect it to my Mac to use 3G as a data connection, but not got round to that yet.

Things that piss me off: I dunno Nokia predictive text has never seemed that smart to me, and with having so many features navigating the menu to find what you want can take some learning. But generally I'm very happy with my new gadget.

Speed: well it runs Java... nuff said. It takes forever to boot, but once it's going it's not too bad. Depends what you're used to I suppose.

The most striking thing about it is the screen though, but I feel sure I must have mentioned that already...???

I did get the feeling from the reviews that the screen is absolutely fabulous, and from your post i get the same feeling...

So i guess it's a good gadget! :D

Well, to tell you how slow my 7610 is, to get from "screen saver" to actually opening a message, then reply to it, it must be at least 8 seconds... To get to the Gallery it's even worse...
It's a bit frustrating, but to be honest it's a good thing because the slowness of the N80 won't really affect me much.

So basically, let me get this straight, you can browse the net normally by using the WiFi? How good is it? How about through 3G? Not that i would do that, with the extortionate prices they charge for data transfers...
london-boy said:
So basically, let me get this straight, you can browse the net normally by using the WiFi? How good is it? How about through 3G? Not that i would do that, with the extortionate prices they charge for data transfers...
Yes. It's very usable by WiFi and by 3G (I was amazed and somewhat alarmed by the speed of 3G, given that MB = £'s, so more MB/sec => more £/sec!).

It acts basically just like a full-sized PC browser if you'd made the window small and used the scrollbars... it renders the web-page larger than the physical screen and you just scroll around (left/right and up/down). The cursor seems to be magnetically attracted to hyperlinks as you scroll, so it's easy to follow links on eg. the BBC news web-page. You can set the font size very small (whilst remaining still readable) and it shows enough of the page that you don't get lost.

The worrying thing ... it makes the normal (non-WAP) pages so readable it's tempting to use them instead of the WAP crippleware (and of course they'll be lots more data than WAP-specific pages, so more £'s).
nutball said:
Yes. It's very usable by WiFi and by 3G (I was amazed and somewhat alarmed by the speed of 3G, given that MB = £'s, so more MB/sec => more £/sec!).

It acts basically just like a full-sized PC browser if you'd made the window small and used the scrollbars... it renders the web-page larger than the physical screen and you just scroll around (left/right and up/down). The cursor seems to be magnetically attracted to hyperlinks as you scroll, so it's easy to follow links on eg. the BBC news web-page. You can set the font size very small (whilst remaining still readable) and it shows enough of the page that you don't get lost.

The worrying thing ... it makes the normal (non-WAP) pages so readable it's tempting to use them instead of the WAP crippleware (and of course they'll be lots more data than WAP-specific pages, so more £'s).

Well i guess the first thing i'll have to do is disable 3G, if i find out how to do it!! I had some bad experiences with data transfers and bills of 650 pounds... Which is nice cause Orange have been VERY nice to me since!! :???:
TERRORISTS! What fate did I promise those naysayers who besmirched the name of the Samsung A900 by betraying this great nation in the name of such tomfoolery?!

Prepare, mortals....
london-boy said:
Wow, just got my new N80 and it's by far the best toy ever! I'm writing this with it now through wi-fi!! I love life.:D
As if you really needed more ways to access this site! :LOL:

Anyway, I doubt your new N80 really can compete with my new Nintendo DS Lite when it comes to toy status. Your thing looks way too useful to qualify as a toy! ;)