Ninety Nine NIghts bundle?



Xbox 360 with Ninety Nine Nights as Bundle planned 10.04.06 - Microsoft plans to offer the Actionspiel Ninety Nine Nights Click Picture in Japan also in the Bundle with a Xbox 360. That comes out from several price lists of Japanese specialist dealers such as Asobit town center. The price is to edition with approximately Yen 36,080 (euro 252/USD 305), those is limited. Release: 20.04.06
Jesus, they are really spending a lot of money to become successfull in Japan. 252€ for a premium with a game. Here in Europe the premium costs 399€. I really hope that by the end of this year when I plan on getting a premium xbox360 that they have either a reduced the price, or atleast a bundle with some game I like...
That price - if true - certainly represents good value for money. Then again it might not cause much of a sales spike if the lack of sales is because of irrational reasons, as I suspect they are.

Then again, the picture might change if enough good titles appear. Let's hope 99 Nights is a good game, it certainly looks enticing.

As MS is a predominantly US/Euro company in the console market at least, I think chances are very good we will see western releases of pretty much all japanese-developed 360 (RP) games. That can only be considered a good thing, IMO!
Guden Oden said:
As MS is a predominantly US/Euro company in the console market at least, I think chances are very good we will see western releases of pretty much all japanese-developed 360 (RP) games. That can only be considered a good thing, IMO!
I hope so, too :)