If you prefer IE over Netscape/Mozilla, try CrazyBrowser (or NetCaster, I think it's about the same)--it adds a tabbed interface and blocks pop-ups. If you want to block every ad, try The Proxomitron.
I (as webdeveloper) even de-installed Internet explorer from my working PC. I got so sick of running around in my department to check wheter stuff worked with IE under win2k, winNT and winXP.
I told everyone to install Mozilla
I really like mozilla and am using it for quite a while now.
I know our site has some stange issue with the rollovers, but I'm so very busy with benchmaks and the new engine for the site (which will totally kick ass BTW)....open modular structure with so many feaures....
This week I have build graphs tools for the site, so that we don't have to use images anymore for our reviews, I'm now going to work on these fillrate images and try to convert these to code, to get rid of images. ...
Ah well you see it when it's done...(Some bits and pieces you will see in my new review)